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Winter-rose POV

Drake and Diana. They are two of the Academy's best fighters and my Betas. I think it's better if I have two, it helps odd us out. I don't need someone who will agree with all I have to say.

They don't care if I could have them beheaded or not, they don't lie to me nor try to sugar coat things for my benefit.

I respect when people tell me the truth, it makes me feel a little more normal. They don't try to spare my feelings because of my title or who I am.

When I was at the Academy they treated me like any normal person there. There wasn't any special treatment and for that I was grateful.

At the time they were some of the few that knew my true identity. When I was little I used to wear a mask so that I could have a natural life outside of the kingdom. The mask wasn't a physical one but a magical one.

The only things that were the same were my hazel eyes. I don't mind changing all those things but I wanted the windows to my soul to stay the same. No curtains trying to hide what was inside.

When I was a little girl my caretaker at the palace told me a story of this person. She, my parents, and my brother were the only people that made me happy. The only people that ever made my eyes turn hazel green.

Right now I'm standing in a tree in the enemy's territory. It was a full moon with means that they would be training under it, it was a way to see who got stronger while the moon is present and who needs to work harder.

We know that the King and his Beta, unfortunately, my own blood will be there.

For this mission, we need a way in and a way out. Those are the best things you could ever learn going into enemy territory.

All I need is to know how well they were trained. 

I have faith in my army, but its fun to see what the others are working with. The main goal is to get to an imprisoned rogue in their jail cells and get him out as quietly as possible without alerting the others.

Drake and Diane are going to get him while I stand guard and inform them of any moment.

I get to learn a lot of things from standing watch. I get to learn how people react to noise, how to talk to each other, their movements, etc.

A source told me that the future queen will be having a fight with the beta. I want to see who is better.

A queen should always know how to protect herself even against a beta. She doesn't have to win but must be able to outlast them. A Queen should be able to defeat the kingdoms best in my opinion.

Their kingdoms best is the King, I don't think that he will want to embarrass her like that so that's why she's going against Augustus.

I really hope I get time to see this. During my time at the Academy, August became one of our best before leaving us for them.

I hope she beats my brother's ass. At least get a few good hits in making him feel it for a couple of days.

We arrived here at midnight, it was a training area big enough for a small army to train together, it also had the jail cells with our friend.

From my position in the tree, I can see everyone but no one can see me. Diane and Drake are still looking for the prisoner while I'm just chilling in a tree.

Drake: Winter we just found out where the jail cells are, we're going in now.

Winter: Still nothing new out here, be careful.

Diana: When are we not, ok forget I said that, see you soon.

While I was watching a pair of warriors fight I saw everyone stop whatever they were doing and line up.

I'm guessing the King is here as well the fiance and Beta.

As soon as Augustus stepped out I knew it was him, with his buzz cut. His grey almost green eyes.

Right now he's in a pair of black skinny jeans and a simple black shirt and black vans.

All black good for August.

Alongside him is a girl also in all black. I know her that is Taylor Molanuth the future Queen.

The king is what catches my attention he is really attractive. Like really attractive.

I feel Thorne, my other half because she's more than my wolf, look at him and smile tail wagging.


Looks like I just found my mate and he's their king. How great where are the cameras because this must be a joke.

I feel like I want to just walk up to him and hug but the feeling doesn't last long once he kisses her fiance.

I swear to all that is good I will claw her eyes out if she doesn't stop touching what is mine. I will tear her spine out with my bare hands.


"Thorne calm down, understand clam down we will figure this out ok. Now is not the time to go all grandfather clock on me,"

I can feel her whimper in the back of my head. She doesn't like that her mate is letting another touch him. And I don't like that our mate is him.

If I don't calm down I might do sometime I might regret.

Let's see what my mate's bed warmer can do. They've set up the fight between bed warmer and a traitor.

From the tree, I can tell that my brother is holding back and is still winning. That's not a good look, some of the people can tell just like me.

Taylor looks like she's giving everything she has, while Augustus' barely breaks a sweat.

Drake: We have a problem.

Winter: What is it.

Drake: There isn't just one prisoner there's thirty of them. Tonight they will put one to fight against the King.

Winter: We have to get them out of here. Tonight.

Drake: How?

Winter: Both of you get them to the borders while I have some fun.

Drake: Understood, when we get them there we will tell you.

Winter: I will distract them just make sure they are safe don't wait for me. I'll meet you both back at the mansion Don't get caught.

Drake: Understood.

Let the fun begin. I stand up straight from the tree, take out my bow and arrow, and aimed for a target.

Who better else than the King?

I aim when I see that my target is in the position I fire. When it almost reached him he caught it in between his fingers. He looked straight where the arrow came from but I was already on the other side.

Firing in at...



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