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Winter-rose POV

Once I was done, I get inside a car with Nick and the driver drives towards the address that the High Court give us.

The car was quiet only the sounds of the engine could be heard. Nicholas sat tense next to me, I know that he was nervous to hear what they have to say.

When the car stopped the driver got out and opened my door for me while someone else opened Nick's door. I thank him and started making my way up the steps.

The building in front of me was like a museum of some sort, it had no exact location because they were always moving the building around using magic. It was a beautiful building with many different architectures in the front of it.

I climbed the stairs with Nick to my side. Once we reach the top a guard opened the door for me to go inside.

As soon as I step foot on the ground all heads turn to me. Even though I had a prince right next to me, all eyes turn to me.

I see my mother and father in the crowd of many. They were sitting to one side of a large square table. On their side of the table sat Bean and Drake. To the other side was Wayland, Taylor, his parents, as well as Augustus.

Right in front of me sat the seven members of the High Court. Each looking meaner than the last. I must say it's been a while since I've seen them all together and I hope I don't have to after this meeting.

Everyone here was wearing black except me, I had one blue. Wayland, Drake, and Nick had a blue handkerchief to match my outfit.

I took my seat next to my mother opposite of August, Nick took the seat next to my father.

He was a guess to my father so it was right for him to sit there unless my father said he could sit somewhere else. Drake and Bean were to my right.

"Thank you for joining us all here today, we hope that everything is well with your three kingdoms," the leader of the court greeted.

She was a beautiful lady with caramel skin, her eyes a brown color. She has long black kinky hair, she was fairly nice but once you disrespect her she became another woman.

And she was my grandmother, the mother to my own mother. We don't have a bond, she found it useless saying it would hinder her judgment when it comes time to give out punishments.

"Thank you Chancler Rosalía for happy us," both Kings say at the same time.

"Circa, eight hundred years ago, two kingdoms fought side by side and had a deal. If it ever accured that two royals from the different kingdoms were to be gifted with the mate bond by the goddess they were to be married immediately. It occurred that two years ago King Damien (Wayland) found his mate, Princess Winterria but he rejected her to be with his chosen mate Lady Taylor. Like the High Court, we can't tell you who to love but we must make sure that all laws and rules are followed between the royals. The kingdoms came together to destroy an evil and once they did they went their separate ways, for the last three years an evil has started to rise and we must call on the agreement between the kingdoms. If they do not agree to the marriage we will call on the power that we were given and remove strip the both of the families of the kingdoms that have been in your family's possession for thousands of years. We will then rule over those kingdoms ourselves, we know that you don't want that, all that is needed is for the marriage of the two mates. Mate bonds between royals can never be broken so it won't be long until the King and Princess' bond is back together and stronger. If you decided to not do it we shall wipe all memories of you and your family from the mines of your people. We shall leave your memories so that it drives you crazy,"

Isn't my grandmother just lovely?

She makes sure everyone was listening before she continued," The wedding would be in three weeks, during the lover's moon. You two would have time to get to know each other than your wolves, soon after you two are free,"

"As free as a caged animal," my voice rang out.

"Excuse me,"

"I didn't stutter nor did I whisper so you heard me loud and clear Chancler,"

"Watch your tongue little girl,"

"I get it from your side of the family so it's fine,"

"Enough," my father hissed. I know he was mostly talking to her, just like me, he hated her.

"Why most they get married," I turn to the voice to see the King's father was the one that asked the question.

"A new threat is rising and it's stronger than what we have ever seen. It's not even of this realm, we need them at their best. You might not think it but their best is at each other sides. Every wolves best is at their mate's side," my grandfather answered the question.

"Not every, you are not at your mate's side. You mate with her," the word filled with disdain," instead of your mate. Now your mate is a bitch to everyone else,"

My grandfather and grandmother are mates but he left her for some woman he said would make him happy. While she is making him happy his mate makes my life hell when I see her.

"Why can't they just work together?" This time it was his mother who asked the question.

"The request was from the goddess herself, not us," this time my grandma answered.

The other members didn't say anything because they had no control over us. We were not their species. My grandfather had some power over us, but he was mostly for the underworld.

He's the reason I can control the hounds. As well as some other abilities.

"She wants them to mate. If the battle is won then they are able to choose to break the bond, if not they will be cursed for eternity,"

Our world was divided into parts. The wolves, water creatures, faeries, etc each had their part. There were places that they could come together and have fun like one person.

It so happens that our part was in danger. How great!


ⒶⓃ: Ideas for the next chapter
7 votes and 5 comments for the next chapter

Finished they yesterday was going to update tomorrow but these cute twins I help take care of today made me happy. So I hope this makes you happy.

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