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My eyes turn red showing him how ready we are to show him the best time of his life with a crazy bitch like myself.

"Be smart with what you choose. Her friend told me that she's been a little stresses the last couple of days. Your men knocking her out didn't help the situation. She woke up not acting like herself, I would tell her to calm down but don't want to chance of her turning on me," Wayland calmly warns poor Calvin, unfortunately I've been stress and ready to hurt someone.

I've been being too nice lately and it's annoying my soul. I've stopped myself from putting these little girls back in there place when they act out.

"So Cal what are you gonna choose. Wait before we do this I'm going to order some food cause I'm hungry,"

I took the phone and ordered some wings and fries with a side of salad for me.

"I would order you something but I don't care if you eat or not." I shrug.

I open my purse and pull out a knife I quickly stab him in the leg before he could scream I kiss him. While my lips were on his I look over at Wayland.

Pulling away I wipe my lips," Death by a thousand cuts sounds great right about now. But instead I want to do stabs,"

Before I could stab him there's a knock on the door. I put down the knife and go to get my food.

Opening the door I take the tray from the waitress," Thanks love, can you wait here a minute please," I close the door making my way to Calvin. I take out his wallet and take out three hundred dollars out. I skip towards the door and open it, but not enough that they can see what's happening behind me.

"This is for you Calvin wanted you to have it and for you to know that you are appreciated," my tone sweet but leaving no place for her to argue.

"Thank you miss.."

"My name is of no importance now but maybe in the future,"

I close the door. My phone rings signalling we only have thirty minutes left over.

"Calvin I hope that you have a good memory because I'm going to go inside that head of yours and get everything that I need. It like making a copy but these copies will gave to wait until later for me to see them. Once I get these copies I'm going to give you something to drink and that drink will help you forget all about me and him. Your friends and everyone in here won't remember seeing me only the waitress. Why only here cause I liked her shoes,"

Tilting my head to the side I lean in.

"Are you going to kiss him again?" His voice questions. I can hear the annoyance in it. Do I care that it's there no, will I use it. Of course cause I'm that bitch!

"Wasn't going to but because you ask I'll do it just for you," I lean in and kiss Calvin slowly he kisses me back. I grab a fist full of his dark locks and pull back his head.

Pulling back I peck his lips twice before kissing his forehead.

Reign's POV

I look at Wayland from my seat. He's hurting I wish I could help but the only ways I can from up here is through the dreams.

He's stubborn like no other I've meet beofre. I try and try to let him see how she would be if he would show her the love she doesn't but he choses to be blind.

If it were any other royal I would be able to directly tell them what to do but with them it was different.

Winter's destiny was writing way before I came to the thrown. She will be a great queen even without the love of her mate. The gods and goddesses from above won't allow me to interfere. To help settle the acne in her heart and to mend the crack in her heart.

His heart was pure until it was time for him to become king. As a child he wanted to meet his mate to treat her like the queen that she is, as he grew older and realised that he was different he stopped trying to find her.

Winter without realising it for the attention and three very powerful men. Men that if they wanted could take out most of the supernatural population.

"Queen Reign," I turn to my head of security. I raise an eyebrow asking him to continue," we look into and it seems that King Damien made a deal with someone very dangerous. This person person now hold the well being of that future Queen over the Kings head,"


Tylex was about to answer when Calvin's screams made me look back down at Winter. Her nose was bleeding and Wayland was trying to get her to let Calvin go but her eyes were black signalling she was using powers.

This goes out to my reader who cried cause they liked my book.

Comment. I love to read and reply to them.

Tylex pronounced Tie-Lex. Aka tie a ty and Lex Luther.

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