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We were sitting in the car, Wayland and I, going to the direction of the meeting place. I look down and my shirt and trace the patterns with my finger.

My hair was in its natural curls. I didn't feel like putting on a wig, and it's not like embarrassed of having something almost all woman and some men want.

Bean decided to sit up front with the driver and he put on the partition. The traitor that he was had cookies up from with him, I could smell it.

If I asked him for some he would pretend to not know what I'm talking about or blank out on me.

"About what happened this morning," Wayland's voice brought me out of my thoughts.

"According to me nothing happened this morning. I would us went for a run before coming back and getting ready for breakfast. I also told my husband about the meeting being it the first time I'm seeing him for the day,"

"Of course,"

I look out the window at the greenery that passes by as we drive. I smile when I see a dear drinking from a stream. My vision zero in on its fur colour, it was a beautiful mix of browns.

"Beautiful," my words come out soft. It's head looks up, it looks in the cars direction. I know the deer didn't hear me but it's feel like it.

"I was wondering if you would go to dinner with me?" Wayland's voice was a little shaky, why I'm not sure.

"Sure, tell me when and what to wear and I'll be there if I can," I surprise myself with the answer. The deer for some strange reason makes me a little happier.

"Ok, once I figure some thing out I'll let you know. You look quit beautiful this morning, sorry that I didn't tell you that already,"

I look down at my outfit. I really liked the way I looked and didn't need anyone else to make me feel better. Coming from him, my mate, it make me feel nice.

"Thank you," I bit my lip before looking over at him. He was facing my direction, a small smile on his face.

His grey eyes clear showing me that his wolf wasn't present just him. I give him a small smile in return before turning to look back out the window.

After two hours we reach the faes garden. It was a peaceful place that people come to so that they could meet.

Once the car stops Bean opens my door for me while the driver gets Wayland's. Once I'm out I take in a deep breath, they place always smelt fresh and pure.

Wayland come over to my side and offers me his hand. I take it and we start walking to the entrance of the garden. 

My hand in his felt weird. We walk up the steps as soon as we step through the doors we are teleported to Nick and his dad. Nick and his dad were sitting both drink probably a glass of tea.

The gardens don't serve alcohol, it's purely natural earth grown substances. If you do need something strong they will have it don't let the words natural fool you. They have things that will leave you fucks up for weeks.

I should know. I once lost a bet to a fae and didn't start feeling right until three weeks after. There was no hangover it was like being drunk without even trying.

They look up, I smile at the two. I walk down the steps and make my way towards the king first. I give him a hug and he gives me a tight squeeze, he was like a father to me.

"How are you princess?"

"Getting better day by day and you?"

"Sitting back and see what cards life give me,"

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