~Chapter Twenty-Three~

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Chapter Song

Bad Child – Tones And I


It was one of the most uncomfortable flights of their lives, certainly due to the high intensity of the situation at hand. Absolutely everything had been rushed, getting in contact with Salvatore's preferred travel agent, booking under their thankfully already setup false identities and the dreaded packing of course.
What was even more frustrating for Stefano, having to reveal to his travel partner Saro, he had lost complete control of the boss's fiancé.
Stefano had been in a position where he had to choose carefully in very short time between men. If he had made the incorrect choice Salvatore would have been alerted immediately and that would have pretty much sealed his fate.
Thankfully for him, even though Saro had expressed his sincerest opinion about how crazy the situation was and how he didn't feel comfortable defying the boss, eventually he was able to be convinced.

Now, as they waited patiently outside the apartment complex for the street to clear trying to minimise their exposure to any potential witnesses. The pair did their best to organise as much equipment as possible into one duffle bag, entering with both may strike suspicion so they decided if they needed they would return for the secondary bag hidden within the vehicle. They were aware they were here to do cleanup, but the amount of cleanup remained currently uncertain.

Once the coast seemed clear for a few minutes, they made their way out of the car and to the apartment complex, pressing the buzzer three simultaneous times before hearing the locks release and pushing their way inside and up the stairs ascending towards Elena's entry door where they knocked four simultaneous times and waited to be let in.

As Adriana opened the door slightly at first, Stefano pushed back quickly opening it wide and taking a look past Adriana and inside to assess the surroundings before rushing in with Saro, closing and locking the door behind them.

"I'm so so sorry!" Adriana rushed out with an apology as the men looked down on her emotionless at first, but Stefano was the first to wear the distinct look of anger.

"Have you lost? Your. God. Damn. MIND?" Attempting to keep his voice at bay by the end of the sentence he knew in himself it was going to be impossible to conduct a conversation of this magnitude with an inside voice.
"Do you have ANY IDEA what you're GOD DAMN ACTIONS HAVE CAUSED?"

Adriana stepped back as he stepped forward towards her, flinging the duffle bag to his left letting it smack on some random piece of furniture he had no desire to look at as he kept his focus on her.

"CONVINCING ADRIANA!" He definitely wasn't going to be using his inside voice. "And who the FÜCK is THAT?" His arms waved over to the toppled over bound and deceased man on the ground, the pools of blood evident everywhere, now travelling so far it had seeped into the carpet. This was going to be another apartment renovation he was not in the mood for.

"E-Elena's boyfriend..." She squeaked like a mouse and retreated from him like a frightened little puppy disappointed it had upset its owner. All she could do now was lay out nothing but the absolute truth. "Ouch!" Adriana yelped shocked to feel Stefano's hands dig into her arms, turn and lift her off her feet and up against the entry door as Saro scurried to the side shocked himself from the move.
"You're hurting me!"

He held her firmly, let out a frustrated puff of air and invaded her personal space. "Do you know how badly you fückȅd up here Ade? Huh? DO YOU?" He knew he was speaking too fast, firing questions at a pace he didn't expect her to answer but couldn't contain his anger.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2020 ⏰

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