~Chapter Eleven~

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Chapter Song

Tangled – Maroon 5


The room was grey all over, from the walls to sheets and some form of throw blanket on the horrifically gloomy looking bed. It almost seemed like the opening scenes to a horror movie prior to the mürdȅr taking place.
She didn't exactly expect a vase with freshly cut flowers in the corner, but she didn't expect the room to look so eerie either.
Not knowing what to do with herself, Adriana awkwardly stood in the centre on the room, her gaze travelling from the floor to the walls inspecting every crevice and crack. What was one to do alone in a conjugal visit room?
Reluctantly she made her way to the bed which was wedged up against one corner of the room and clearly way too small to do anything they would normally do in the privacy of their own bedroom. The bed was so small it could barely pass as a single!

She placed the two foil packs on the lob sided table before sitting on the edge of the mattress. Instantly feeling a wave of disgust rush through her as the thought of multiple inmates having sȅx with multiple women on the same bed dawned on her.

Before her mind could torture her any further the door opened revealing Salvatore in his green prison attire and an exhausted looking guard before her. She watched on without making a sound as the guard uncuffed her fiancé, grumbled a few words, then promptly left the room.

Salvatore let out a breath almost not believing she was actually in the room. He knew little of what was going on when he was dragged out of his cell in the middle of the night until he was dumped in a room with a head correctional officer who informed him he had an unscheduled conjugal visit.
There was a brief explanation regarding a phone call from Stefano and now here they were finally in the same room together without any barriers.

"What's happened?" He asked frantically taking three long strides towards her, dropping to his knees in front of her grabbing her hands revelling in the feel of her while panic swept over him.

"Nothing..." She responded, her heart fluttering lightly against her chest with the initial contact. She slid one hand away out of his grasp entangling it in his messy un-styled hair. "I think..." Adriana struggled to articulate an answer. "I was spiralling, having a bad night and... I don't know Salvo I just..."

"It's ok..." He assured her seeing the struggle in her eyes. He had been in her shoes, on now her side of the fence and it certainly wasn't easy. Barely surviving it himself he knew the struggle all too well. The difference with him however, he had a task to work on, a goal to accomplish and he spent every waking moment working on accomplishing it.
Adriana however currently had nothing. There was no task to keep her occupied, the things that were going on between his men had to be kept away from her for her own safety.
He had warned her sternly to sit tight and not get involved, but he had also known it was going to be a big ask knowing if the roles were reversed he would never agree to such terms.

"I don't know how to do this Salvo, I need you home with me!" She stated watching him move from his position on the floor to sit by her side on the bed. "I can't stop thinking about what happened at the Estate, and that day with Luca... You're the person who got me through that Salvo."

She melted into his embrace when he reached for her, sighed at the feel of his free hands stroking her cheek as he angled her to face him.

"I know baby, but I need you to be strong and patient for us." He emphasised gently, unsure what else he had to offer in the current situation. "I don't know how I can help you from in here the way I used to baby. I just need you to put your faith in all of us." He couldn't resist any longer. Having her here at this hour was absolute pleasurable torture.
So he gripped her jaw firmly within his hands, locked his smouldering desire filled eyes with her own and pressed his lips to her hurriedly. He had no idea how much time they even had together and judging by the foil packs he noticed on entry he knew she wasn't here just to talk.

She kissed him back with much more urgency, a fire within her ignited the moment his lips connected with her own and she knew she was completely done for.
She could feel the tips of his fingers exploring her, familiarizing himself with her awakened skin before she heard him groan against her.

"Not on this bed. Stand up baby..."

She couldn't have agreed more as they rose to their feet, unsure of where they were moving to, she allowed him to take the lead as he scooped up a foil pack while continuing to kiss her hard, bruising her lips in his wake. He wanted her to continue to feel him hours later, remember his mouth working over her own. Memories were all he had to offer at this point.

"I'm going to fück you quickly." He panted, murmuring against her lips, his right hand disappearing under her yellow dress amazed to find her soaking wȅt already. "Don't take your clothes off in here ok baby? Let me take care of you."

Adriana nodded her response. She was lost for words. Everything was happening so fast, one minute they were having a conversation, the next they were about to fück. This was clearly how it was going to have to be for a while, living on borrowed time, romance out the window and down to business in fear of missing out completely.
She found herself being walked backwards, her spine quickly connecting with a wall and then suddenly he dropped to the ground, pulling her pàntĩȅs down around her ankles as she frantically stepped out of them and watched him fist them hard before shoving them inside his pocket.

Surely he was going to give them back later?

She had no time to ponder any further as she pushed down his green pants and underwear in one fluid movement. Her eyes wide noticing he was already hard while she watched as he rolled on the cöndöm secretly wishing she had been on the pill for longer, so he could sink himself into her bare.
But tonight wasn't the night.

Before either of them could muster up another thought, he gathered her body up into his arms, lowered a hand brushing a digit against her bare lips checking her arousal before lifting her feet off the floor as he aligned and pushed himself inside of her, sinking inch by inch groaning penetrating through her wét folds. A cry of pleasure and pain falling off her lips as her head fell backwards revelling in the feeling of him once again.
She was suspended in the air completely at his mercy as he pounded in and out of her at the pace of a sȅx crazed teenager. Covering her own mouth with her left wrist, trying to muffle the screams threatening to escape as he continued his onslaught, grunting with each long feral stroke.

Salvatore kept her legs spread wide for him reaching so deep inside her he knew she would continue to feel evidence of him for the next few days. The thought excited him, fed him with the determination to reach his goal, she was going to örgàsm in this room, whether she was comfortable with it or not!
"Fück baby you're so fückÌng sȅxy..." He encouraged sliding himself out to the tip of his head. "Look at you taking my cöck" He forced himself back inside being rewarded with a squeal, which she was clearly trying to contain.
"Let me hear you baby, tell me what you want?"

"Salvooooo..." She moaned almost pathetically, the need to release clear in her tone. "Want. You. Need. You. Only.... Oh God. You." She was going mindless, unable to string a sentence together. Everything was happening so fast, too fast! He body hadn't even had the time to gradually lead up to this moment as her entire being trembled with a release so hard she screamed and sobbed all at the same time.
Salvatore releasing her legs from his grip the moment he felt her shudder, her thighs locking around his waist trapping him between her legs in the air as he slammed his fists against the wall on either side of her head and jerked hard inside her releasing spürt after spürt of his own pent up frustration.


I know I know! It's been faaaaaar too long and the update is far too short!

Forgive me? Pretty please!

Trying to get back into it guys, just a little back and forth with slight medical issues atm so bare with me!

For those of you waiting for a Scarlett update, I shall endeavour to get the next chapter out soon, just gotta give it a read over and finally pull the trigger =)

As always...

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