~Chapter Fourteen~

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Chapter Song

Can't Hold Us – Macklemore & Ryan Lewis feat. Ray Dalton


She didn't feel good about the events suddenly unfolding before her, but she told herself she had no choice as Adriana rummaged through one of her fiancés safes located within the walk in wardrobe in the bedroom. Salvatore had trusted her with the combination, encouraged her to keep her passport and various other documents within the unit.
She was surprised to find cash not only in American dollars, but in Euro, and a lot of it!
Shoving envelopes full of money in the lining of her small sized suitcase, she hoped Stefano wouldn't question why she was packing so heavy for an overnighter.

Pushing down the guilt within her, she continued with the task, throwing in various items of clothing hoping she would have the strength to go through what she believed she had to go through. The rational side of her screamed at her to stop and think, begged her! But the part of her that longed for Salvatore, told her to persevere and throw caution to the wind and hope it didn't come back to slap her in the face.

Taking a few moments to herself, Adriana was aware the next few minutes were crucial. As soon as she committed to leaving the bedroom and agreeing to leave with Stefano she knew there was no turning back. That her plan was set in motion and a few people were sure to be disappointed in her. She would surely never be trusted again, especially if the plan went south.
Zipping up her luggage and closing the safe, she took a long deep breath, rose to her feet and proceeded to roll the luggage behind her towards and out through her bedroom door.

"Jesus!" Stefano's voice almost made her jump. "A suitcase for one night? Salvo's going to have to pay for extra luggage for your honeymoon!"

"I like to pack extra, you know? In case I decide to stay an additional night or two..." She added trying to act as natural as possible.

"Seriously?" Stefano's voice firm with slight annoyance. "Even after I told you that's not happening?" Grabbing the handle from her, pulling the luggage towards himself.

"I can be persuasive!"

"Rules are rules Ade!" Flashing her a cheeky knowing smile he led her towards the front door. "One night and one night only, it's the best deal you're going to get from me, so let's get going." He encouraged grabbing his car keys from the bowl near the front door before opening it. "... Before I change my mind completely!"

For a moment Adriana hesitated, instead of stepping forward she mistakenly stepped back as if his words almost scorned her. She didn't want to do this to him, already feeling the guilt slightly surface knowing if Salvatore found out she was able to pull one over Stefano, he would be in just as much trouble as she would be – if not more!
She hated being dishonest, especially when she had fought Salvatore in the past so persistently about honesty.
But things were not progressing, her fiancé was no closer to being released.
So she took her first step forward towards the door, quickly backing it up with another as they both left the penthouse and proceeded to her parents home.


"Non puoi sposarlo!" (You cannot marry him!" Antonino, Adriana's father beamed forcing his voice louder and louder each time he spoke the words. "Dopo tutto che hai passato Adriana!" (After everything you went through Adriana!) As his voice continued to rise, so did his agitation as he slammed a firmly closed fist onto the dining table. "Are we supposed to just forget? That our daughter went to prison?"

"Non era colpa sua papà!" (It wasn't his fault dad!) Adriana's eyes darted towards her mother Giulia who had remained silent through the last fifteen minutes, clearly allowing her husband to blow off some steam.
"Mamma?" Adriana called out to her with a questioning tone seeking out reassurance. "You know he never wanted that for me? That it was all just a mistake, don't you?"

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