~Chapter Four~

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Chapter Song

Heaven – Julia Michaels


"I'm only signing these documents because I don't want to fight with you today Salvo." Adriana stated pushing the almost finalized documentation towards her fiancé. "But I'm not happy about it, just so you know!"

"I don't see an issue with this, you said yes to my proposal, we're certainly going to get married, why wouldn't I give you total control of all the assets and accounts?"

"Because! It's all just happening in one day! Not even! Basically a few hours!" Adriana argued trying to keep her voice at bay, she had told herself she wasn't going to scream in anger today.
She was surprised herself that Giuseppa hadn't felt the same way. Her son simply signing everything away to his newly released felon.

"Well we have to make do with the time we have baby. We have no idea how long I'm going away for at this point and I need you to be taken care of."

"Salvo..." Adriana breathed composing herself. "I still have more than enough money in my account from your overly generous donation, remember?"

"You were an employee, they get paid, it wasn't a donation."

"Oh my God! Salvo! Do I need to send you one of those documents you can download online explaining legal base wages for like every position out there?" Adriana challenged getting more and more irritated by the second.

"Not necessary, I didn't negotiate email privileges in prison."

"You're really making me angry!" Adriana stated feeling as though she wanted to blow, she felt like screaming at him, telling him how ridiculous his plan was. He had two brothers, a sister and a mother, yet she was going to become sole signatory of everything.

"I know, it's cute." He smirked placing all the documents back into the large folder, the final step was up to his lawyer. "Don't worry so much, my brothers will help you make any financial decisions which may need tending too. I'm also only a phone call away for the not so urgent decisions. Now can we move on baby because I really don't want to be spending anymore of our time today discussing finances."

He was right. Finances were low on her priority list, in fact it never made her list in the first place.

"Well..." Adriana leaned back into her seat. "We've had breakfast, had coffee with your mother, signed some paper work, what else does one do before turning themselves in?" She queried coyly pretending she had no idea what else was possibly on his list of things to do.

"Take your robe off." Salvatore instructed not even giving it a moment's thought.

"Excuse me?" Crossing her arms under her chest purposefully pushing her brȅȧsts up for his viewing. "What did you say?"

"Take your robe off." He repeated in the exact same flat tone, this time a little louder humouring her. "I want to do you. My fiancé going to deny me?" His question more rhetorical knowing very well she wasn't. "On the counter top." He continued with his demands yet to move an inch towards her.

"Really? The kitchen counter?" Adriana smiled mischievously standing from her seat then walking her way over to the counter before turning around to face him still fully dressed in her robe. "You want me here?" She took one step backwards, her ȧśś pressing up against the edge before rising onto her toes and pushing herself into a seated position on the counters edge. "Like this?" Innocence flowing from her voice but certainly not in the hooded look in her eyes.

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