~Chapter Seventeen~

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Chapter Song

Never Really Over – Katy Perry


Four Days Later...

It was the most perfect sunny day in Rome. A slight breeze moved through the piazza, not too cold, not to warm, optimum temperatures anyone would dream of during their travels to the mother land. The fact that it was out of tourist season too made the day even better with only the locals in the streets enjoying the mid-afternoon sunshine. Being siesta hour... Or two. Only a few select cafes remained open for business and the crowds were ramping down while Adriana sat at a secluded little corner table outside with her new dark Dolce and Gabbana sunglasses on, there was no reason she couldn't do a little shopping after all, her fiancé would demand it!
She sat quietly, flicking through a magazine, occasionally taking a sip of her freshly squeezed lemon juice with sparkling water.

"Salve." (formal hello/salutations)

Lifting a brow, Adriana looked upwards as the shadow cast over her table. "Salve." She responded once recognizing the man as Patrizio, a gentleman she had met two days prior. Motioning to the spare seat to her right and slightly in front of her she welcomed him to sit and join her hoping he came baring somewhat useful news.

"Sembri che-" (You seem like-) Patrizio paused momentarily thinking up the English words while taking a seat. "You seem like, you're Roman!" He corrected with a slight chuckle watching her place the magazine down before them.

"Possiamo parlare Italiano." (We can speak Italian) Adriana assured him not wanting to put him out of his comfort zone in his own country.

"No." He insisted shaking his head disagreeing. "It is not every day I have the opportunity to speak with Americans."

"Speaking of Americans..."

"We can confirm it is her, Elvira is Elena Buontempo." Patrizio stated without a hint of doubt in his voice. "We had her followed, she is living with a man who seems to be a boyfriend and they have a baby. She leaves him with the baby while she works."

Adriana felt the breath she had been holding leave her suddenly. The heaviness in her chest lifted after all this time. Finally she was getting somewhere; the answers she had been seeking were within her reach, she was so close she could taste the premature victory while Patrizio tapped a sole finger on the coffee table clearly wondering what she would ask of him going forward.

"The deal was to have her followed for a few days, confirm her identity and daily routine. Do you require anything else from us?" Patrizio queried ready to assist for the right price of course, with anything her heart desired, after all, his family were aware of Salvatore Abandonato and his New York Family, if there was any way they could show their allegiance to the Italian-Americans, they were only happy to oblige.

She reached down for her bag, rummaged through a side pocket before taking out a fairly thick white envelope placing it before her on the table then sliding it towards him watching him pick it up and tuck it into the inside of his suit jacket. There was no need to count it, if he wanted to, he could find her in a heartbeat. "Thank you but no, that's another ten thousand American dollars, I can take care of the rest Patrizio."

"Sicura?" (Are you sure?) He queried with a raised brow, "you could ask anything" he emphasised, "on behalf of the Abandonato Family, we would be willing to deliver Signorina..." (miss)

"lo so." (I know) Adriana nodded in thanks being sure to convey her gratitude on what he had already achieved. However, the rest was on her, she wanted to be the one to confront Elena, to force the truth from her lips, drag her back to New York and finally free her fiancé.
"It's unnecessary." She assured him taking her magazine and sliding it back into her bag. "I only ask for your silence on anything and everything regarding Elena and this boyfriend or hers. Whatever happens, the Abandonatos were never here."

"May I ask what you plan on doing with her? From our research it seems she is somewhat estranged from the remaining family she has left here. I doubt anyone would miss her but this boyfriend, he may become a problem, he is a local."

Adriana took a moment to herself to answer. She trusted Patrizio; she would never have approached had she had any doubts, however the matter was personal and the less details she had to share the better, so she considered her response. "She'll be coming back with me to America. However, the boyfriend is he of... Importance to your family?" She questioned clearly not meaning his direct blood family, but the family organisation, the mafia, just like her fiancé.

"He had family." Patrizio confirmed quickly. "Estranged, just like Elena, spends his days getting high on cocàĩnȅ." He felt the need to add and inform her. "He is of no value to our family. I appreciate the thought."

"Getting high?!" Her voice almost shrieked in disgust. "While looking after a newborn?"

"It is unfortunately more common than you think Signorina..." Patrizio responded with obvious disappointment in his tone. "From what I gathered from his background..." He reached into his jacket pocket revealing two folded up pieces of paper handing her the extra information she didn't ask for. "Nobody would be disappointed if he simply... Disappeared."

Adriana kept her gaze focused on him while her hand reached for the papers keeping them folded on the table knowing very well he had just handed her information regarding his own past and criminal records. She imagined if Elena had found her way into his bed, he could be nothing but bad news, especially to that newborn.
"I'm sure I'm in for an interesting read..." She stated almost in a whisper as he nodded in agreement before rising to his feet and stepping to the side of the chair pushing it back in towards the table gently.

"Si Signorina" (Yes Miss) Patrizio responded without any doubt in his voice. "Molto interessante!" (Very interesting!)

"Grazie Patrizio, per tutto." (Thank you Patrizio, for everything)

"You have my number, if you change your mind or... Succede qulcosa..." (something happens) And with that he nodded towards her respectfully then walked away to enjoy the rest of the perfect Roman day.

Adriana was reluctant for the next few moments that followed. Part of her wanted to dig her magazine back out of her bag, burry her head in a fashion magazine and ignore the information she was certain she would detest in front of her. But the temptation was far too big and her self-control was clearly nonexistent as she unfolded the information in front of her ready for the hate that was about to consume her.
She truly wasn't even surprised darting her eyes over the long rap sheet, a drüg dealer, user and someone who did time for aggravated assault and robbery was just the kind of person Elena had the tendencies to seek out. It was a wonder how she even ended up building a relationship with Salvatore.
She wasn't deluded into the fact that Salvatore was a Saint. They all certainly had their issues lately, including herself. But Salvatore had a strict no-drügs policy, it made people unpredictable, unreliable and a complete liability in his line of business so having his men strung-out was not an option for him.

What pained Adriana was the fact Elena seemed just fine with leaving her newborn child with someone who possessed a two page rap sheet! There was no way she could have known this man for long, what was she even thinking? Was she even thinking? Had she given birth, run off to Italy and fallen into a life full of nàrcötĩcs herself?

One thing was for sure... There was only one way to find out...



Honestly I've just been feeling SO BAD about that God awful wait that I thought you all deserved another chapter featuring Adriana! i know we all miss Salvo - trust me I do too! He'll be back soon, promise!

What do you guys think? Is Adriana going to bring it?
Will Elena concede easily and hop back onto that plane?
Is Salvo going to find out while Ade is still in Rome?
Is Stefano going to locate Ade and absolutely lose his God damn mind?!
Will Stefano have the guest bathroom ready for Ade's return? Hahahaha seriously though that poor guy - I don't think he'll ever be the same again after this stunt!

Let me know your thoughts and as always...

Comment. Vote. COMMENT! (I'm in the mood for some fun interacction with you guys!)


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