~Chapter Nineteen~

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Chapter Song

Way Down We Go – Kaleo



The word continued to taunt Stefano unable to get the location out of his head as he sat in the prison parking lot smoking what was most likely his last cigarette. He had barely been able to process anymore of his TSA's contact information the previous day and he certainly wasn't able to get any sleep after hearing the news.
His world had come crumbling down. There was no way in hell she was coming back in time and they had been unable to firmly place where in Italy Adriana even was – or if she was even still there?
There had been no credit card transactions, no check in's that he could grasp under her real name, his checks on Elena still coming up empty so now he had no choice but to face the wrath of Salvatore.
He had seriously thought about not showing up at all, throwing caution to the wind and just being a no-show for the day. But the reality was, where would that leave him? Surely his boss would simply make contact with one of the other men, have him tailed and within hours it would be blatantly obvious Adriana wasn't in his sights.
So far he had been somewhat lucky that neither of his younger brothers had stopped by the Penthouse to check on them, but every minute of every day he remained on edge unsure about when his luck would end.

Reluctantly he began the slow gruelling walk from his car to the visitation entry point, discarding the end of his cigarette on the way. This was going to be no easy task, but time had run out and the situation was barely still in his hands. He only prayed the prison guards were exceptional at their jobs.

Nervously clearing his dry throat at the window he placed his cell phones and other belongings in the appropriate containers, signing in and letting the woman know he was here to visit Salvatore Abandonato. He stared at her a little too long, hoping for a final miracle. Maybe Salvatore had made been in a fight last night and stripped of his visitation rights today?
His heart sank as she disarmed the entry doors, the awfully loud sound of electronic padlocks unlocking crushing his final hopes forcing him to make his way through the doors, down the halls and into the room where his boss as promised, sat quietly awaiting. If it were up to him the walk would have been slower, he would have taken his time down the hall but the guards were annoyingly against loitering.

"There better be a really fùckíng amazing reason why I'm looking at your face right now and not my fiancés!" Salvo started the conversation before Stefano's àss barely hit the seat before them.

The fear behind Stefano's eyes wasn't obvious – he composed himself not letting his boss's words falter his plan. But he would be lying if he said it wasn't there, because truth be told he was terrified! No matter what, Salvatore was leaving this visitation much more enraged than he currently was, there was simply no avoiding it anymore.

"Boss. I haven't been completely truthful, but I swear to you i-it was coming from a good place!" His pace started slow then quickly multiplied needing to finish his sentence before his boss lunged over the flimsy table and strangled him with his own cuffs.
His eyes were locked with his, eye contact was key, he couldn't have himself looking any guiltier than he clearly was. The look in his boss's eyes shifting from slightly irritated to ready to pounce. "Just let me explain..."

"Stefano." The sharpness in his tone just by merely stating his name sending chills down his man's spine. He didn't have the patience for this!
"I'll be the judge of what God damn place this is coming from. Where. Is. My. Fiancé?"

"She's fine." Stefano assured him calmly. "Boss believe me when I say she's well and taken care of..." The lies flowing out of him freely at this point. He had no proof of any of this, not even a trace, but after tossing and turning all night long, this was the best he could come up with for the time being.
"She just needs time to herself right now boss, I didn't want to say anything over the phone yesterday because I wanted to assure you in person that-"

Salvatore shot to his feet, slamming his tight fists onto the table top, had it not been bolted down he would have sent it flying across the room, most likely into innocent family members.

"WHAT THE FÛCK ARE YOU SAYING?" He roared before feeling a hand from behind gripping a shoulder to set him back down. "DO NOT TOUCH ME!" He spat still keeping his focus straight ahead on Stefano. The guard rumbling out a set of orders forcing him back on his seat threatening to pull him out of visitation.

"Boss, she just... Needs a break..." As soon as Stefano said the words there was no taking them back. It was out there, the lie had officially spiralled. He wasn't at all proud of it, he just hoped it was enough to pacify his boss, get him off his back while he continued to focus his energy on finding Adriana and bringing her back to the country, even if it meant heading to the streets of Italy himself searching. But none of this was possible with Salvatore's expectations of phone calls and visitations, so they all had to temporarily stop and this was what he believed was the best option to execute his next moves.

"I need to hear this myself! From her own mouth!" Salvatore pounded another fist into the table, slightly bringing his body over in an attempt to get closer and up into his face. "Make her take my call!"

"Boss." Stefano held firm. "Give this to her. Please! She's lost, confused..." He hated himself going there, cursed her internally for putting him in this position. "I swear to you, she will come around! She loves you, that's not in question here boss. She's just hurting and doesn't know how to deal with everything."

"And what?" Salvatore continued, confusion now settling in his tone. "I don't get to defend myself? Speak to the woman I am going to marry? Make her see me, throw her in the trunk if you have too!"

As outrageous as the demands were, Stefano had no doubt in his mind he full heartedly wanted these demands carried out. Although he certainly expected his boss to enforce visitation with him he couldn't say he expected to hear him demand the love of his life be thrown in the trunk of his car. But that was Salvatore to a T.

"Of course boss..." Stefano nodded sympathetically not letting his rage unravel at him. But this was perfect – he had until next visitation to sort everything out. And when he found Adriana she would agree to everything he demanded of her, even if it meant pretending she had briefly over a moment of weakness doubted their relationship. She would no longer have any choices once he had her in his sights.


Waaaay doooooown we go go go...

Oh Stefano... You might wanna just stay in that rabbit hole you just got yourself into because booooooy there ain't no coming back from it now!

So I have a lot to apologise for, these constant breaks from wattpad and now short chapters ugh! Seriously I am sorry guys, it's just life unfortunatly atm - this chapter actually wasn't entirely finished, it was supposed to be longer but just to get something out here I decided to post it due to all the messages I've been receiving for updates.

I hope to give you a longer chapter next time and hopefully one you don't have to wait an eternity for haha *fingers crossed*

One of the things I was doing while away was organising a fundraiser ball for breast cancer research - so it was very full on with me with the whole two jobs, toddler, on and off health issues and now apparantly I also organise fundraisers haha. Seriously though it was a great cause! Just very tedious to organise when you're hustling trying to get companies to donate their time or products. I'm happy to say it went well even if it drained me of my final energy reserves haha

So again I apologise for not being here - but at least I made some $$$ for breast cancer research =D

Hope to see you soon!

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