~Chapter Eighteen~

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Chapter Song

Smack That – Akon feat. Eminem


Stefano groaned while simultaneously letting out a desperate well deserved breath. A bead of sweat trickled down his forehead while he panted his next few breaths still holding the small body in front of him. One tightly squeezed fist on the ground before him and slightly to his left side, while the open palm of his other hand remained around her, keeping Sonja joined to him as he remained still needing a moment to regroup.

“Ho-holy shít!” Sonja practically continued to moan as she realised her body in its current state no longer belonged to her. Somewhere along the line and without even knowing it, she could no longer control the pending õrgàsm Stefano had cõckíly promised she’d reach – and to spite him she had held off, refused to give him what he claimed he could easily get from her. And she was sure she gave him quite a run for his money, especially now as she felt his hot breath at her neck, clearly panting due to overexerting himself.
But the moment he dragged her from the couch to the floor, flipped her around and sunk into her from behind, her chances dropped to zero. He had hit deep, twisted her around in a way closing her up around him making the experience feel overly intense to the point where she could barely catch a breath. Then when his palm pressed against her intimate areas, his fingers had slipped inside, gathered her wetness and repeatedly rubbed it against her already sensitive clìt, it became abundantly clear the õrgàsm he promised her, was always going to happen.

“Chríst…” Stefano’s voice trailed murmuring against the back of her damp neck. The arm around her body slightly lessening its grip while his fingers still travelled down to caress the hyper sensitive bundle of nerves forcing another unsuspecting cry from her lips. “When’s the last time you came? Pretty sure I can feel your cûm through the rubber!” He smirked overly proud of himself.

“Jesûs you best be joking!” She snapped followed by a weak attempt slapping his hands away from her clít. “The rubber didn’t-”

“Relax!” He chuckled, running the tip of his tongue over her earlobe before taking it roughly between his teeth and plunging a finger back inside her trembling walls. Thrusting his hips one final time against her àss he groaned feeling her final shudder. “You’re welcome…” He whispered provocatively keeping her small frame taunt against him. “Sit back on the couch and spread your legs, it’s a waste letting it trail down your thighs Sonja…”

“What!?” Her eyes widened with shock, surely he couldn’t be serious right now? She still had a job to do and although he had finished his part, she couldn’t be found sleeping on the job… Or with her clients for that matter!
“I need to get back to work!” She squealed as he finally retreated from her leaving her to feel suddenly empty and surprisingly needy for more.

“I’ll make it worth your while.” His voice full of clear séxûàl promises. “Judging by the intensity of that õrgàsm, it’s not every day you get to be fûckéd in someone else’s penthouse – let me eat. Your. Cun-”

“STEFANO!” She stopped his crude talk before it really was too late. There really seriously was work to complete and she couldn’t risk someone walking through the doors and finding her this way. She was certain this wasn’t Stefano’s first act of indecency, which was becoming abundantly clear! But she had a reputation to uphold.
Slowly but surely she moved an inch away from him, shakily stood to her feet trying to ignore the slight trembling of her legs.

He smiled enjoying the view as she walked away from him butt nàkéd, retrieving clothes along the way and making quick work of redressing. He could tell she was suddenly mortified and if he was entirely honest, he absolutely loved it.
There was something about taking an uptight well-kept business woman apart layer by layer.
To watch her in a professional environment, put in more effort than any man just to be taken seriously. Watching the way she had resisted his previous advances all in the name of professionalism – until finally that natural burning desire took over, just like animals trying to survive in the wild and succumbing to their rightful destined purposes.
Watching Sonja go from a completely professional demeanour, darting around the guest bathroom jotting down the final plans, rummaging through her selections placing colour pallets together and rotating options had been somewhat alluring, even more so when she had gradually allowed him layer by layer to expose every bit of flesh she was so hell bent in keeping covered.
Women like her were Stefano’s pots of gold at the end of the rainbow. A challenge to find but every bit worth it. She was a busy business woman and unlikely had the time to pine and chase him down from club to club every night just to lock in another ride. Some found this cynical, but for Stefano it was the way he currently chose to live his life. He didn’t have the time for a needy girlfriend and if he was honest with himself, he didn’t want the burden in his line of work, he wasn’t ready for that just yet.

The sudden music blaring from the coffee table brought Stefano crashing back down to the mess of the reality he was attempting to take a brief break from. The interior designer a perfect break indeed, it was certainly up there with his afternoon espresso.
Gripping the cell phone intensely he stared at the unsaved number in her phone beckoning him to answer as it rang over and over again before he accepted the call bringing the receiver to his ear.

“An inmate from-"

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