~Chapter Sixteen~

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Chapter Song

Gives You Hell – All American Rejects


She had booked flights all over the place. Russia, Canada, Italy – including various internal connections. It was clear she was trying to send him on a wild goose chase, making various bookings on various passports, her Italian and American. If this didn't flag the TSA he didn't know what would.
But lucky for Stefano, he had a very close friend who could normally shed some light on situations regarding flights. And after that friend came up empty with Elena, he knew he would have to work twice as hard this time around.

"You're kidding me!" His contact sighed through the receiver groaning impatiently. "Why the fûck has she been booked on so many flights? Is she fûckìng dangerous?"

"Don't be ridiculous!" Stefano spat matching his impatience. "She's just a regular person, well Salvo's woman, but regular nonetheless."

"Salvo? Jesus fûckíng Chrìst!"

"Hey!" Stefano yelled into the phone instantly regretting the mention of Salvatore. "You don't talk about this to anyone, not even Salvo, understand?"

"I don't think I want any part of this Stefano!"

"Find her and you won't be part of anything! Don't find her, Salvo's going to make sure we all pay, understand?"

"It won't be easy; this will take days!" The stress is his voice was becoming very apparent. Why did I even answer?

"Nothing ever is!" Stefano groaned. "Do what you can and do it fast!" Hanging up the phone all he could do was hope his contact would come through on this occasion.

To say he was stressed was as understatement. Stefano could feel the tension building within himself each time his wristwatch ticked over yet another minute. Every minute was a reminder, with each painfully fast sixty seconds which ticked over was another sixty seconds closer to Salvatore discovering the current shìt storm he inadvertently created.
If he discovered his fiancé was missing on his time, he may as well shoot himself in the face and save his boss the trouble.
He had become complacent with her, even after his boss had very specifically warned him not to. He hadn't taken him seriously and believed Adriana didn't possesses the qualities to step out of line let alone leave the country.
Even though he had briefly heard of some defiant moments from Luca, and witnessed a few small acts here and there, it never occurred to him she would ever dare attempt a disappearing act. This was next level. He had looked at her as a weak innocent girl and all too suddenly, that could not be further from the truth!

Taking a moment to breathe and collect his thoughts, Stefano knew his next moves were crucial. They were going to define him; his decision making would be the difference between keeping his position with Salvatore or being completely disowned. He needed to be smart, deceitful, just like Salvatore himself.
Yanking Adriana's cell phone from his pocket he took a new breath, unlocked the screen and accessed her calendar.


"Where's Miss Di Dio?"

Stefano starred at the woman before him waiting outside the Penthouse patiently. He was out of breath, exhausted and quite frankly beyond annoyed. Why on earth would she book appointments while she was on the move? Was this another one of her tricks to keep him occupied?
"She's been caught up at another engagement..." He lied far too easily. "Sonja is it?" Of course, he knew she was Sonja, the interior designers' details in Adriana's calendar of events.

"Yes, would you be Stefano? Miss Di Dio mentioned you might be working with us."

Oh I fückĩng bet she did!

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