~Chapter Fifteen~

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Chapter Song

Trouble – Pink


"I'm sorry she what now?" Stefano leaned a little further towards Giulia Di Dio slightly confused about what he thought he heard her claim, but clearly he had to be mistaken. There was no possible way.

No. Possible. Way.

"She left..." Adriana's mother insisted once again. "Last night..." She continued to confirm a little weary of the look she was receiving from Stefano. "We were having trouble agreeing on a particular subject, she insisted she was going home even after I begged her to stay! She didn't call you? So you haven't seen her then?"

He was suspended in time. Almost completely oblivious to the sentences coming out of Giulia's mouth. He was barely putting words together, trying to decipher what exactly she was informing him of. There had to be a mistake. He remained at the penthouse and Adriana definitely never showed.
Wordlessly while Giulia continued to speak, he sought out his cell phone from his back pocket, fishing it out with a look of confusion on his face. He had checked her location, multiple times the previous night and a handful of times just this morning. She hadn't moved from the home. Was her mother lying? Was she not ready to return to the penthouse?
"Ah Giulia, you wouldn't mind if I came in a for a few minutes?"

"Of course not!" Giulia pipped up enthusiastically. "Where are my manners I'm so sorry! Please come in, I'll pour you some coffee!" She stepped aside making way for him.

It was with that very action that Stefano knew Adriana was not in the house. Her mother showed absolutely no signs of lying and it completely terrified him.

"Stefano, is everything ok?" Giulia queried while making her way to the kitchen. "You seem a little, off?"

"Everything is fine!" He insisted not wanting to alert her at this stage, he was completely left in the dark and having Adriana's parents in a panic would not help him in the slightest.
"May I use your bathroom?" Clearing his throat and placing his cell phone back into his pocket.

"Yes of course, upstairs and to the left... But Stefano..." Giulia shot him a pleading look, "we really do have to talk over coffee, about Salvatore and-"

"Sure..." Quickly cutting her off he nodded agreeing, right now he just needed to get upstairs.

Wasting no time at all, as soon as he climbed the last step upstairs he wasted no time, nor did he attempt to even pretend to go in the direction of the bathroom as he immediately took a right towards the bedrooms.
"What the fück are you doing Ade?" He murmured to himself pushing open one door which seemed to be a males room, pulling it back shut he immediately continued on to the next room and entered instantaneously noticing a cell phone plugged into a charger on a bedside table.

"FÜCK!" He cursed going completely mindless yet attempting to subside his rage. It was what he was expecting but not wanting to be right. Her cell phone, conveniently left on charge giving him the illusion she had never left.

Picking up the small rectangular piece of paper beside it and flipping it over to read a message he was far from impressed.

I'm sorry. This has nothing to do with you, I'm not trying to be difficult or jeopardize your position with Salvo, but I need to do this. I need to find her, I can't sit around waiting.
'll forgive me eventually.

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