~Chapter Seven~

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Chapter Song

See You Again – Wiz Khalifa feat. Charlie Puth


Adriana felt like she had been sitting at the overly packed dining table for hours while Stefano watched on opposite her grazing on various foods joining her.
It was strange to her, he looked so normal with his still slightly damp hair and now wearing casual sportswear, she was positive she had never seen him without a suit.

"Why did you order so much food?" She queried barely making a dent in one of the take out options, let alone the entire table full.

"Really?" He questioned back throwing a dumpling into his mouth. "You haven't eaten in days."

She continued to stare at him dumbfounded. "Yeah so that's not how it works Stefano, my stomach can't just miraculously accommodate day's worth of food in one sitting..."

"Should have thought of that before you tried to starve yourself. Eat."

"Stomachs actually shrink, not expand when you don't eat-"

"As riveting as this Human Biology lesson is Miss Di Dio, I dropped out of school because listening to my teachers gave me a migraine. Less talk, more eating!" Tapping on the table top bringing her attention to the obnoxious amount of food that would have fed a small village.

Adriana grabbed a heavily seasoned sweet potato fry, examined it closely then plopped it in her mouth. "Maybe..." She continued knowing very well she was annoying him. "If you stayed in school you wouldn't be here, babysitting me. Should have listened in Human Biology Stefano..."

"Ha!" He smirked stretching back in his dining chair with a cheeky grin now sprawled across his face. "I can guarantee graduating high school wouldn't have got me the amount of money I make with Salvo, and babysitting you..." His grin grew winder, "that's like winning the lottery every month."

"That right?" She stated back almost challenging his statement. "Well then, I think I might have to give you a run for your money..." Pushing up and standing to her feet, she leaned over the table, grabbed a random rosemary and sea salt encrusted breadstick and snapped between her lips enjoying the crunchy salted carbs suddenly rushing through her. She was starting to get her appetite back.

Leaving her chair she made her way around the table and to the kitchen area all while Stefano kept a close eye on her, now digging into a Chinese takeout box of some sort of noddles.
Opening the overhead cabinets one by one searching for a mini thermo which she found on her second attempt.
Darting around the kitchen, she prepared the thermo with boiling water letting it sit for a few minutes while she simultaneously turned on the automatic coffee machine.

"Making coffee?" Stefano pried a little confused about the thermo.

"Mm hmm, can I make you one?" She offered moving around the area grabbing two espresso cups before he even had the chance to respond.


"Although really, with all the money you're rolling in as my babysitter, I should really get you to do this, but there's always next time!" She joked sarcastically placing the first cup under the spout. "How do you take it?"

"Just a regular espresso, no sugar."

The sound of the grinder filled the room shortly dispensing a shot of hot fresh espresso, the aroma spreading through the area quickly as she removed the cup and placed her cup underneath the spout pressing the espresso button once again.
Walking around the island she brought Stefano his cup setting it on the table in the little room there was left. "I hope you're taking some of these leftovers Stefano because there's no way they are fitting in the fridge!"

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