Chapter 5

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It's already been three days since I have cooped myself in this room. I don't mind it to be honest. I have always been on my own. The only problem is that I have not eaten since the day of my wedding. I don't even have any vanilla milk with me either. Thank goodness I can control my hunger. I really do not want to get out of this room. I just feel like sleeping all the time.

Finally when I start feeling the need for coffee, I decide to go downstairs. I get up from the bed and instantly see black everywhere.

Oops. I got up too quickly.

Sitting back again, I take a few breath then get back up again. I walk slowly till the kitchen.

"My head really hurts", I murmur to myself.

"It usually happens when a person starves herself", Xander says.

I instantly frown when I see him. So much for avoiding him. He's having his dinner. I walk towards the kettle and put the water to boil. I can feel his eyes on my every move.

"People who starve themselves purposely  are really idiots", he continues.

I glance towards him then avert my eyes. His statement is really triggering for my already damaged brain. I just won't focus on his words.

"And you Porter are the dumbest person on earth", Xander says casually. "I knew you lack maturity but not this much."

Suddenly the floor under my legs start moving. My heart starts beating rapidly blocking Xander's voice. I need to sit down quickly or else I'm going to fall down. Turning off the kettle, I turn back and find him staring at me. I ignore him and start walking out of the kitchen but before I reach the door, I see black and lose conscious.

I open my eyes and find myself in my room. How did I get here? I was in the kitchen. I rub my forehead when I realized that I had blackout in the kitchen. How did I get in my room then? Did Xander bring me here? No he won't. He finds me revolting.

I drag my body in a sitting position and stop breathing when I see Xander sitting on the armchair watching me.

Without saying anything to me, he gets up and leaves my room. I sigh and lean my head back. Thank God he didn't said anything.

My head still hurts. I groan in pain. Suddenly the door opens again and I stiffen. Xander strolls in with a plate of food.

"Eat!", he orders.

Wow! He's ordering as if I'm a freaking dog.  But either way, I won't eat.

"I'm not hungry", I say angrily.

"Don't be stupid", he says in a low voice controlling his anger. "Eat your food!"

"I said I'm not hungry", I repeat. "And why the hell do you care so much?"

"I don't. I really don't care about you", he snaps instantly. "I don't want people saying how badly I treat you. It's going to tarnish my reputation."

"I don't care about your reputation", I state.

Xander keeps the food on the bedside table and glares at me.

"Listen here", he starts angrily. "If I hear rumors about how malnourish you look outside, I swear to God I'll ruin your entire family. What are you exactly trying to do by starving yourself?"

"I'm not starving myself", I say. Atleast, I don't do it intentionally.

Xander quirks one eyebrow up. His anger is still visible in his grey eyes.

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