Chapter 40

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Xander pov

Ayla is behaving weird which is not unusual but today it seems strange. I'll have to go home and find out what's really going on.

Right now, I really need to get this deal sorted out. Arriving at the hotel, I meet the men in the lobby and while the presentation is going on, I get another message from Ayla.

*Are you done?*

I just texted her minutes ago to tell her that the meeting has just begun. It's like she is texting only to see if I will reply which obviously I am every single time. She has never texted me so much in one day.

Maybe, she is just excited to go on a walk like a little puppy. But she will have to wait for a while. In the meantime I just text her back.

*Get some rest. I will call you when I'm on my way home*

Before the meeting is about to be over, I text Scott to go to the office and bring the cash. He has taken a few hours off today so he must be back on duty by now. He is the only person I trust when it comes to money.

As a matter of fact, he and I have been watching Ayla's father closely. We have recently found out that he has been smuggling drugs and illegal guns through shipping. Somehow, someone hacked into our system and wiped out all the evidence. Scott is still working on that. He had people installed cameras in Porter's office as well to keep a close eye on him.

Scott has a degree in Computer Science but his hacking skills are amazing. I have offered him to pursue a career in this field but the kid is too lazy.

I even offered him financial help and a job in my company but he refused. It's a shame to see such a talent being wasted away. He claims he is happy with his quiet life. So now, he is a trained bodyguard and he does his job really well until Ayla manages to trick him.

I don't know how she does it because Scott is a well trained man. I guess she just tells him bullshit to embarrass him.

As for Porter, he is on the verge of bankruptcy. If I had that evidence, he would have been in jail right now. I will make sure that he gets there regardless. He better prepares himself for what's coming.

My phone rings and seeing Scott's number, I answer it. "Sir, the money is missing"

"What? What do you mean missing?", I frown.

"Someone stole it", he utters in a resign tone.

"I am coming"

I cut the call and excusing myself I start heading out until a voice stops me. Damn, his timing!

"Xander", Smith calls out. "The meeting is still not over. Are you leaving already?"

"Something came up", I say calmly.

"But you will lose the deal", he smirks. "These people are already here with their money. I see you came empty handed. What's wrong? Is there a decline in your work?"

"Mr Jackson", he points at an older man sitting. "is the higgest bidder in the room. You know how I like only cash. I hate cheques. If you leave, you'll lose"

My jaw clenches. I never lose. This is the first time, I have to leave a meeting like a loser. All because someone stole my money. When I get my hands on him, he will regret it.

I had to attend another meeting before coming here that's why I had to leave the cash in my office. Whoever stole it is going to regret his entire life. No one messes with me and think they can live peacefully.

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