Chapter 23

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Xander pov

"We'll be there Emma", I tell my sister. "Yes, she knows. At seven sharp, I get it."

I walk towards the elevator while still speaking on the phone. I see Ayla and the guy from the receptionist laughing at something. The sound of her laughing causes a weird warm feeling in my chest for some reason and I find myself staring at her.

After that night of her panic attack, everything has returned the same between us. She always makes as if I am not present and keeps to herself.

I still remember her shocked look on her face when I had told her not to hug me again. She looked devastated yet was so worried that I was uncomfortable.

I just blurted out those words in case she would think too much about it. I was taken aback by my own action as well. I have never skipped work during the day yet for her, I did not even think twice about it.

I just wanted her to feel at ease in the comfort of our home.

"Xander? Are you there?", Emma asks.

"Yeah", I murmur, distracred. "We'll be there on time. Don't worry. I have to go now. I'll see you later."

I end the call and look at her again.

"She is always wearing informal clothes", I hear one of the staff saying, knowing instantly who is she referring about.

"Obviously", another one adds. "The boss is her husband. He won't say anything to her. Look at what she is even wearing. Who even wears cargo pants and a long ass sweater to work? She doesn't even wear heels and yeah she is always in black. I wonder what Mr Grey saw in her"

"I keep thinking that too. This company has a reputation and everyone must wear formal clothes. She looks like a kid here."

The elevator opens and I walk inside, fuming from inside. I hate gossip but whatever they said is true.

It is my company and I have always made sure that everyone follows my rules including the way I want them to dress yet Ayla does not cares about it. She always does what she wants and this has to stop now.

Once, I am in my office, I call her.

Minutes later, she walks in, looking all innocent and cute. Wait, what am I even thinking?

I take in her appearance from head to toe. She does not look like she belongs in the corporate world with this attire. They were right. She looks like a freaking child!

"What are you wearing?", I demand.

"A bikini", she responds instantly and looks at me as if I am stupid.

"Why can't you dress as a woman going to work?", I ask irritatingly. "Don't you have common sense about formal wear?"

"Excuse me?", she utters with that same look. "Are you talking to me like that? If yes, it's simple. I just don't want to use my remaining common sense for you. It's a waste."

"I'm serious Ayla", I snap. "Are you trying to ruin my reputation in my own company?!"

"What has my clothes got to do with your reputation Grey?", she rolls her eyes.

"Are you even a woman? Do you see how Nina dresses for business?!"

Her eyes turn to slits at the mention of Nina.

"That's her business. Her boobs are always out for you which I know you enjoy a lot and about me being a woman, do I need to walk naked for you to know that I have a vagina?"

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