Chapter 15

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Trigger warning for those who are sensitive. There's self harm in this chapter. Please refrain from reading if you find such content triggering.

"Kai", I say almost in a whisper. "I missed you so much."

"I missed you too Angel", he says and tightens his grip around me. His nickname for me makes me smile instantly.

I have really missed him so much.

"I'm sorry I didn't came to meet you sooner", he explains when I remove my arms from him. "Eliot told me you got hurt. How are you feeling? Is it serious?"

"I'm fine", I say and starts feeling guilty when I see the caring and gentle look in his blue orbs. Like old days, he always looks out and cares for me.

"I leave you for three months and you are already married", he chuckles without humor but I can sense and see that he is hurt.

"I'm so sorry Kai", I sigh. "I had no choice."

His eyes harden and he takes my hand in his.

"Let's go somewhere else to talk", he says.

I turn my head behind to see if Xander is still there, waiting for me. But he's not. He is gone. I nod when I look back at Kai. We go to a nearby coffee shop and find ourselves two seats at the window.

"What's going on Ayla?", Kai finally asks. "Eliot just declared that you are married when I got back. No one even cared to inform me about anything. I even asked him why so sudden but he is not even saying anything."

I heard him murmuring something about being bestfriends but let it go.

"I had to do it", I start telling him. "Or else everything would be ruined. Even Eliot's career was at stake."

"No wonder he didn't tried enough to stop it", he says angrily. "Selfish bastard!"

"It's not his fault", I defend my brother. "I did it mostly for my father."


I start explaining him everything since the beginning till the end. I watch as his expression grows from calm to super angry.

"I'm sorry I wasn't here to stop it", he apologizes and I can see that he really means it.

"Don't say sorry", I murmur. "You would not have been able to stop it because Xander had already set his mind on it."

He frowns when I mention his name. I feel so bad when I look at him so I just avert my gaze outside.

"That's not fair", I hear him stating in a low tone. "I was so excited to return back to you. I was so happy. I have been meaning to meet you since the past three week but I had no courage. I didn't want to see you with someone else."

I look at his crestfallen face not really knowing what to say to comfort him. I'm really bad at this. Kai has feelings for me since a long time and he has even proudly told me that he loves me but I was not ready for love and I could only see him as a friend.

"I'm so sorry Kai", I apologize again. "I'm really sorry."

"You are not going to stay with him forever right?", he asks suddenly, his eyes holding a small hope.

"I don't know", I sigh.

Kai's face soften and he covers my hands with his on the table.

"How does he treats you?", he probes and runs his gaze on my face. His eyes are calculating, in case I lie to him.

"We never talk that much", I admit. "I'm fine by it though. I get to have my own space."

"You are still not happy", he presses.

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