Chapter 13

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It has already been three weeks since I'm working for Xander. Three whole weeks since I became his executive assistant. We never talk except if it's related to business which I'm glad. I still don't knock when I enter his office which still pisses him off. 

In this three weeks of working with him, I got to know him a bit more. Xander is passionate about his work. He takes it really seriously. He tolerates no mistake at all. He never takes anything relating to his work for granted. Each drawing of his, gets his full attention. Moreover, he has that aura that gives off authority and dominance and no one dares to question him. His work is everything for him. Basically, he is an workaholic.


As his personal assistant, these three weeks has been so hectic and chaotic for me. Xander has been giving me so much work. He even makes me go to several floors atleast hundreds times a day. I feel so tired all the time but hey, I'm not going to complain about anything. This is my job and I have to prove to him that I am no less. I am not what he thinks I am.

Colton and Liz have been helping me so much. I have no experience at all in this field and I'm lucky enough to have them by my side. They are always there whenever I need help. They are the only people that I interact with most of the time. The rest of the employees look at me as if I'm sort of an alien coming from another planet. The three of us go for lunch almost everyday. I made another friend, James. He is the security guard. He is fifty years old and is very kind.

The only person who has a problem with me is Nina. She is always looking for excuses to be around Xander. She always touches his arm which I find so annoying to be honest but he seems to not mind it at all. She even tried to make Xander scold me just because I forgot to send an email. I had so much work on that day and it had completely slipped away from my mind. Luckily, Xander just gave me a warning in front of her. She was so disappointed but tried to hide it. Instead she encouraged me to work more harder. I'm still so pissed at her.

Even her friend, Layla behaves so weirdly. One thing I notice here, almost every women drool over Xander but I won't blame them at all. Beauty must be admire. Xander has indeed won the good genes jackpot. Noah is a really handsome man and I wonder how Xander's mother must have been. I know for a fact she was a gorgeous woman.

The intercom suddenly beeps, breaking me from my thoughts.

"My office, now!"

I roll my eyes as I get up. I take some files which need to be sign on my way. I also have to remind him about a meeting which will be in one hour. I forgot to tell him in the morning. I enter inside and Xander's eyes snap on me instantly. Nina is inside as well. What is she even doing here? Again?! She looks at me with a wicked look as I approach the table.

"These files need your signature", I say as I place them on the table.

"When were you going to tell me about the meeting?", he demands while giving me a hard look.

"I was going to tell you", I explain.

"Well you should have told him in the morning Ayla", Nina adds. "This meeting is really important for our new project. We can't afford to make a single mistake. As an assistant, you should inform him about his schedule in the morning itself."

This bitch!

"I'm aware of that Nina", I say. "It just slipped from my mind and the meeting is in one hour. We still have time."

"I don't want excuses Ayla!", Xander says loudly. "Time is money for me. This better be my last warning to you!"

I nod my head quietly because I know this time it's really my fault. Xander gets up and wears his jacket.

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