Chapter 26

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Sleep is gone and I find myself staring blankly at the ceiling all night. I don't even realize it's already morning until I hear Xander getting ready for office.

The morning drags by until I get a memo for another meeting. Shit! It completely slipped from my mind.

I am about to enter Xander's office but Nina beats me to it. Xander passes by me as if I am invisible. He must be mad that I forgot to remind him.

Well, whatever. Atleast, Nina reminded him.

After completing some work with Colton, I enter my office and see another piece of paper on the table.

Another threathening note?

Nina is that desperate huh!

I pick it up and in bold letters she has written she will hurt me if I don't leave Xander. I roll my eyes and walk towards the boardroom. This time I am going to confront her. I push open the door angrily, turning everyone's head in my direction. Xander slants a hard glare towards me but ignoring him completely, I walk towards Nina.

"Care to explain?!", I place the paper in front of her.

"Ayla", she looks around innocently. "What's wrong? We are in the middle of a really important meeting."

"I don't care!", I hiss. "Why do you keep sending me these threats? Do you really think I'm scared of you?!"

One freaking punch and she'll need a nose job!

"What are you talking about?", she asks and looks at Xander timidly.

"Don't look at Xander!", I snap. "I know it's you. I have compared your handwritting to these!"

"What's going on here?!", Xander demands in slightly louder tone and gets up.

"Your dear Nina has been sending me threats since the past few days to leave you", I say in a mocking tone.

"That's not true", Nina defends herself pathetically instantly. "Xander, I can never do such things."

"Really? Your handwriting says otherwise", I point out.

"Let me see", Xander takes the paper and checks Nina's handwriting in her notes.

His gaze snaps angrily on me and taking my arms in a tight grip, he drags me harshly outside.

"You're hurting me", I say. "Leave my hand"

He opens the door to my office and closes the door behind him.

"What the hell is wrong with you?", he shouts furiously. "Do you always have to create a scene everywhere?!"

"Scene?", I frown. "Nina has been sending me these threats to hurt me and you're saying I'm causing a scene?!"

"Stop lying!", he snaps. "I saw her handwriting. It's not her."

"She is lying Xander", I insist. "It's her! She likes you and that's why she keeps messing with me"

"Is your mind still stuck in high school?", he demands. "Stop making things up. Nobody cares enough about you to even bother to send these stuff."

"I am not lying Xander", I press.

"Yes you are", he claims. "You just want attention all the time. You knew this meeting is important for me yet you decided to cause a scene base on your made up lie on purpose."

"I didn't made up anything", I continue firmly. "I know it's Nina. Just believe me on this. Please"

"Stop arguing!", he snaps. "Don't you dare speak like that about her or any other employees! She is one of the best employee I have here and I won't tolerate hearing anything against her. Do you understand? She is far more better than you could ever be."

Coffee at first sightजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें