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As Maya was in school, she saw Renesmee with her friends laughing. "Well did you do it?" Maya knew that Renesmee would hear her so she had to keep her distance. She hid behind a door and used her powers to enhance her hearing that was directly on Renesmee. 

"Of course I did. Please, she's not a real Cullen. She's just Carlisle's foster child," Renesmee answered. Maya knew that the high school was almost out for the day, so there was no point in starting a fight. She still had to find her kitten. Calico had been missing for 3 days since the fire. The news reached the high school too, and Renesmee claimed that she had saved Maya's life of course. As much as Renesmee was family, Maya sometimes wished that the perfect high school princess showed herself around the house. 

Edward was taking a walk with Jasper when even he heard it. "Is that Renesmee?" Jasper had to be certain. Edward nodded and hid with Maya behind a wall. "You too huh?" 

"There's no way she can get away with this," Maya fumed looking at Edward. Edward rolled his eyes before grabbing Maya's leg at her attempted kick. "Don't tell me you agree with her." 

"I don't. But we're humans in a human school living the human world," Edward began. Maya snickered and covered her eyes. "What? What did I say that's making you laugh so hard?" 

"Okay Barbie doll," she teased walking inside with Jasper who was also chuckling. Sadly, Rosalie, had Barbie girl playing in the BMW that morning. 

"Rosalie," Edward sighed looking at Renesmee and wondering why she was going through such pains to make herself a hero to Maya. She hadn't realized the truth yet. When Maya had first come home, she adored Renesmee.

The school day carried on like every other day which made all the other kids stay calm and behaving like they were supposed to. Although as the school day ended, everyone noticed that Maya was starting to get really fidgety. "What's up Maya?" Jasper was actually for once struggling to control her emotions. 

"Nothing," she lied as she reached into her bag and took a painkiller. "Look if it gets worse I'll bring it up to Carlisle," she promised. 

"Watch it Maya. Renesmee is only trying to get under your skin so don't let her get to you," Emmett reminded. She nodded and looked over at the table where Renesmee was and the pain stopped finally. "You good? You've stopped fidgeting." 

"Yeah. It was weird. I almost felt as if I wasn't in control," she explained. Edward and Rosalie looked at each other secretly conversing. They knew Maya's claim was valid and concerning. If anyone knew about witches it was Carlisle though. He had a few friends that were witches. 

"I'm sure it's just your nerves again," Jasper calmed and she nodded before they all noticed their schedules were empty. "Is it just me or is that?" 

"Too convenient? Yeah," she answered before walking outside to see a swarm of people with Carlisle. "Carlisle, what's going on?" 

"It's alright guys. They're like Maya. Witches and Warlocks with a common goal. To take out witches that prey on vulnerable minds. It explained everything that we've witnessed. Maya and Renesmee have been under the control of another witch," Esme explained. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2019 ⏰

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