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Rosalie's POV

I watched as Maya kept getting up and going to sleep. "Carlisle, could it be a bug?"

"Probably is just that. Probably the flu passing through her. We have to wait it out. It should pass with a few more days," he admitted. I put my hand to her head and gasped. 

"She's burning," I warned. He looked and it was noticeable. Her face was flushing red. He moved the blanket and grabbed an ice pack for her head.  When it came in contact with her warm skin she settled down and we faintly saw a smile appear. 

"How is she?" Jasper just arrived on the island last night when Maya had fought to keep her dinner down. 

"Worse," I sighed. He looked as Maya's eyes opened. 

"Maybe we should get her back to the mainland," Esme contradicted. 

"No," she groaned. I was shocked. 

"Maya, you aren't getting any better. You're getting worse. You need medical attention and there are no ways to do that here," Edward pleaded. 

"But," she protested. 

"I agree. Maya,we'll come back once you're cleared. I promise," Carlisle finalized. She nodded and he let Esme and I pack her suitcase. As Maya watched a movie the pain in her eyes was unbearable. She was ready to have fun, but now she has to go home. Where we all can make sure she's okay. 

"I'm sorry Maya," I whispered. I felt horrible for doing this to her but at the same token a little good about it because she would receive help. I put her bags in the boat and Carlisle let Edward drive as he held the sad little Maya. 

"Maya," Carlisle pleaded. She hadn't spoke since we all ganged up on her about leaving. She still wasn't answering. I saw a tear brim her face. "Maya please. I know you're upset about leaving but the split second you're better we will come back," Carlisle moaned in agony. 

"What about a Rio doctor?"

"Not happening. I'm not letting some Rio person touch her," Carlisle snapped. Damn. Dr.Protective is in the house.  

"Carlisle, calm down." Esme knew why he was too. 

"No. I don't know what they have or where they've been. No. They will not touch my princess," he defended. I saw Maya's face smile and her eyes brimmed with tears. She hugged him tightly and was crying. "Maya don't cry love. It'll be over soon," he soothed. 

"Carlisle, she's crying because she's relieved you care about her. She's happy," Edward chuckled. He looked down and felt Maya's head nod. He literally was almost crying himself and he had her in his grasp protectively. Esme smiled and had a hand on both of them. Especially Maya since she was still burning up. 

"I love you daddy," she whimpered. It was muffled but sweet nonetheless. Carlisle kissed her head and replied with the same words to her. Their father-daughter bond was unconditional. He loved her to the moon and back, as did she.  

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