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Maya went with her dad to the baseball game but only after he approved of her clothes. "Maya you gonna ump again?" Jasper loved it when his sister umpired. She knew the rules by age 4.

"I'm up for it," Renesmee whined.

"Considering what you've pulled with Maya don't push it," Esme warned. Maya knew though she'd win.

"No it's okay Esme. I'd rather play today," she answered. Esme nodded and Carlisle handed her the gloves she always wore. She slipped them on and clenched her fist a few times. "Getting a little too tight," she chuckled. 

"Which means it's shopping?" Alice looked hopeful. 

"Not for you. Myself and dad will go," she answered. 

"She knows what you do when we need 1 thing," Carlisle warned. 

"What size are you currently?" Esme had a spare pair of gloves on her that might just be the size she needs. 

"Size 3," she answered. Esme was a size bigger than her and had the spare set on her. 

"Here. Try these. They're a size 4," Esme offered while handing the other gloves over. As she slipped them on, she smiled in triumph. Carlisle gripped her fist hard and she pressed into it easier. 

"Good. These ones are better. Little slack but they'll get better with use," Carlisle commented. Maya nodded and Jasper was twirling the bat they used to determine order. 

"Okay Maya's a captain today," Alice called. Jasper smiled and as they fought for bat Maya got the last available spot. "Your first choice Maya," Alice reminded. 

'Oh, I know. Now I'm going to want some serious advantage. I'm still mortal,' she thought. She knew who she'd require. "Carlisle," she called. 

"Esme," Jasper decided. 



"Alice." Maya knew she had them cornered. She had speed and future on her. Carlisle knew what she was up to as well. 

"Emmett. Leaves only one person Maya," Jasper darkly chuckled. 

"Renesmee," Maya breathed. Renesmee smirked and intended to lose the game just cause of her captain. 

"You do that and you will regret it," Alice and Edward warned. Maya knew. 

"No don't worry about it," she sighed. 

Alice nodded knowing Maya had a plan. Carlisle decided on something. "Whenever Renesmee cheats, you make sure you counter it." 

"Got it Pops," she answered. 

"What have I said about calling me Pops?"

"Oops Sorry!"

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