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As Carlisle cleaned the cuts on Maya's skin she was busy looking around his office. He did a lot of pediatric patients so he had animals around the office and then she saw a kitten and she was mesmerized by it. Carlisle could tell by how distracted she was. As he finished cleaning the cuts he began the wrapping process. It only took a couple minutes and then he slipped her top back on and she yawned. "You can go back to sleep. I just have to fill out one more thing love," he soothed. She nodded and he placed her on the couch and covered her up. As he signed the papers he sent a picture to Esme. When he finished he placed Maya in her car seat and buckled her quietly. He wanted her to take a nap as long as she could since later the boys would be hyper with her.

When they got home he peeked over on her and saw she was slowly waking up. He unbuckled her and picked her up and let the air wake her up. She woke up easily and then sneezed. He forgot to put something over her. "Cold," she giggled. 

"I bet," he admitted. Forks,Washington was one of the coldest and wettest places in the continental US. When they got inside Esme had breakfast getting made. He and her were eating for appearance. He had sausage and eggs, Esme had Fruit Salad, and Maya had chocolate chip pancakes with grapes and sausage. "You spoil her," Carlisle whispered. 

"Listen to her stomach," she muttered.

He could hear her stomach growling terribly. "Oh somebody's hungry," he teased. She nodded and he set her down and let her eat. He grabbed his plate and put it at the higher table. "Maya what to drink?"

"Milk please," she giggled.  He was rather impressed at her manners and got it for her nonetheless. When she finished she was quiet and waited for Carlisle and Esme to be done too. 

'Holy manners. Who the heck taught her that stuff? A child who's 4 knows this?!' He was shocked but pleased nonetheless. 

"She was in the English lady contest in kindergarten. She won it easily because we had a mentor for 5 days and her face was like it was when she saw me. In absolute stunned mode. She took everything in and did it. So she won with ease."

He got up and so did Esme who took her plate. Maya was like a child still. Stuff them like a tick and they're asleep. She went back to bed. "Well if you want mother-daughter time take it," he chuckled pointing to her. Esme laughed and got her face off her plate and wiped it carefully. When she sat on the couch Maya nestled into her and fell asleep soundly for about another 3 hours.   

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