28. My last stand

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Some giants are easier than others.

I dodge Orion's arrows and axes and even swords.
I am too fast for them.

I have defeated around 4 giants.
But I can feel the power slipping.

I have to hurry.

I climb on Porphyrion's back. He tries to shake me off. But I hold on tight. I climb on his shoulder and stab him. He roars and falls on his knee.

I jump onto another Giant. I guess this is Enceladus, bane of Athena. As I fly in the air I point my sword forwards and stab him in the chest as I land.

He too roars. But he grabs me and throws me away. I land on the ground with a lot of force.

I grunt and look up. There are around four or five giants left. I don't know for sure. I think I am seeing double.

Enceladus pulls out the sword of his chest and throws it aside. He looks mad. Great.

I get up grunting. I am breathing hard and without weapon.

I look at the sword. It is behind the 4 giants.
And I don't think they will just let me walk over and pick it up. Dam it.

I close my eyes.
At least I defeated most of them. My friends could handle them.

But I am not giving up yet.

"Give up. You are weakening and without useful weapon." Orion says aiming his bow and arrow at me.

"I.. Will never.. Give up." I say breathing hard.

"Good. Because that wouldn't be much fun." Orion says grinning at me.

I pull out Riptide. I know I can't kill them with it but at least I can defend myself.

Orion shoots arrows and I try to slash them away with Riptide. But I am weakening and tired.

An arrow lands into my chest. I bite my teeth.
I am not pulling it out. It will only make it worse. So I break it so it isn't in the way.

But when I look up again I can see Orion advance. He kicks me in my stomach. I land on the ground again.

Part of me doesn't want to get up again.
Just lay down and let go.

I close my eyes.

Orion laughs and suddenly I feel pain erupting from my chest. He pulls out the arrow slowely.

My eyes open and I want to punch him but he has my hands pinned on the ground.

"You are hard to get rid off. I'll give you that. But like always. The prey gets tired." He says looking at me.

"You wish.. I am only warming up." I say sarcastically. He growls.

"Your sarcasm will get you killed." He says

"Really? That would be a shame." I say provoking him.

"Thoon. Bring me his sword." He orders.

A couple seconds later he is holding the sword of Chaos. He smiles.

"I will kill you with your own weapon." He threatened.

"Go ahead." I say "But let me close my eyes first. I don't want to go out looking at your ugly face."

He roars and brings up the sword. But I smile.
He let go of my hand.

I bring my legs up and wrap them around his throat. He lets the sword go down.

It missed my head. But it was way to close.
I punch him hard in his stomach and grab the sword.

Now I am the one pointing the sword on him.
But I finish the job.

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