2. I am done

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I didn't know what to do.

After I had spoken with Piper, Hazel, Frank and other demigods they all basically told me to go away.

Even Chiron was distant and didn't want to talk to me. He told me to go bother some fish in the lake... Which I found a very weird thing for him to say.

Still no sign of Annabeth.
Was I really suffocating her? But she could've just talked to me about it right? She was the one who wanted me to sleep next to her every night after Tartarus.

I decide to sit at the beach for a while.
After about ten minutes someone sits down next to me.


I look sideways and smiled at the sight of my
wise girl. I was so glad to see her. I wanted to lean in but something in her demeanor stopped me.

It made me feel uneasy. I have never seen her so.. distant towards me.
She looks straight forward. No smile. Nothing.

"Percy. We need to talk." Her voice sounds far away. Without her usual spark of energy.

I don't like this. Not at all.
I can feel my heart stumbling and trying to do it's job right. My lungs feel like they aren't taking any oxygen from the cold air around us.

"What about ?" I ask trying not to jump to conclusions.

"I want to break up with you." She says bluntly still looking straight forwards.

I look at her in disbelief. Waiting for the 'just kidding' that would never come.

She doesn't even look sad or anything.
You would think that everything we had been through and how long we have known each other that she would at least be showing a little emotion? Right ?

"What? Are you serious?" I ask still in disbelief. Still wondering if she is okay. Had something happened?

"I am Percy. I just don't feel anything anymore for you.. It's over."

"Annabeth.. this is not funny. Are you okay? Is someone forcing this on you?" I ask her because no way this is happening.

Bit then stands and walks away.
Just like that.

I get up and look at her. A group of campers is looking at us. But I don't care.

"You are just walking away? Annabeth after everything! After all these years of friendship. And you just break up with me like that. I fell into Tartaurus for you. I.. I love you Annabeth.." I whisper the last part.

More demigods are looking at us.

"Deal with it!" She snaps.

I take a step back.
"Annabeth.." I whisper. I want to say something.. But I can't.

This is really happening. She broke up with me. My heart feels like it is crumbling.

A guy smiles.
I want to punch him in his face. He seems familiar. He is that Matthew guy she was talking to earlier.

His mocha collored skin and dark curly hair where looking mysterious and smooth in the fading sunlight.

He and Annabeth used to be close friends. But right now he seems a bit too close. He holds out his arm and cuddles her. While giving her a kiss on her head.

This can't be happening.

Tears blurr my sight. I stand up and walk to my cabin. I close the door and lean on it.

The lost hero returnsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن