3. A one time offer

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After a couple of seconds I snapped out of it and quickly kneeled.

"There is no need to bow for me Percy."
He says with a rich and deep voice.

"You know who I am ?" I ask in surprise.

"Of course." he says like its so obvious
"Perseus Jackson. You returned the stolen items of hades and zeus. You carried the sky and saved the goddess Artemis. Survived the labyrinth. Led the battle of Manhattan. Defeated Kronos. Survived tartaurus. Defeated Gaea. Shall I go on?"

I was surprised that Chaos. The creater of.. well everything basically knows my name. Let alone what I had done in the past.

But I was also surprised when he didn't mention my father.
Most people, gods, monsters etc. Called me Perseus Jackson, son of Poseidon.

And to be honest. Usually I don't mind.
But now it felt as if it didn't matter who my godly parent is. Just what I had done as my own person.

"I- I don't know what to say." I stammer.

"You must wonder what I am doing here?" He asks smiling. But he doesn't wait for me to answer. "I have come here to make you an offer."

I look at him and he looks behind me at camp.

"I have been paying attention. I know what you are going through. You feel neglected. And it is very understandable. You are the greatest hero of this time. But they don't seem to notice what you have sacrificed for them." He says.

"I don't really care about what I have sacrificed for them.. it's more that I don't understand. Why do they hate me so much all of a sudden? What did I do to them? They just stopped caring... But it doesn't matter anymore. I am leaving.."

Chaos smiled sympathetically.

"Look Percy. Ever since they said that the prophecy was finally comming true. I've paid attention to you since your 10th birthday. I had a feeling you would become someone special. And you have not disappointed. And I never wanted to interrupt everything you had here. But that has clearly changed. That's why I have decided to come here. I am offering you a job." He says.

"A job? Me? You are offering me a job? Me?"
I asked with disbelief and trying to hide a smile.

I honestly never thought I would have to actually work.
I know that it sounds lazy. But I never thought I would survive long enough to even go to college.

"Yes. I need an commanding officer for my army. And you are perfect for the job."

"You want me to lead an army? Are you sure? Because I don't know how close attention you paid to me, but I am not someone people would trust with leading an army." I smiled at the idea.

"Didn't you lead the demigods to victory in the battle of Manhattan? Or all those other battles? They always took orders from you. Never questioning you. And in all these years, the losses you've led. They were so minor. I know it may not feel like that. But it is the truth." He assures me.

"But.. I just... I'm sorry. I am just a little overwhelmed." I say leaning against a tree for support. "I just can't believe you want me."

"And why is that so hard to believe percy?"

I shrug. "I dunno. I never think before I act, I somethimes feel like I depend too much on my friends. I feel like I fail a lot. I just feel like I attract destruction and death.."

"No percy. The opposite. You listen to your instincts instead of arguing over something before it is too late. You can't always do things on your own. It is good to have friends to depend on. And yes you fail. But that's how we learn and grow. And you don't attrack destruction and death. It is because of you that the destruction and deaths are minimized." Chaos says with the most reassuring voice. I look up at him.

"Thank you, lord Chaos." I say.

"Please don't say lord. It makes me feel old." He says jokingly.

I laugh. And look back once more.

"I accept." I say to him.

"Percy. You have no idea how glad I am to hear you say that." He says very genuine.

He holds out his hand and I take it.

The lost hero returnsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora