18. Making a call

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Percy's point view:

Leo gives me a special phone he made.

"I made it so campers could call with their families or friends. Because you can't always use iris-messaging. And the best part is that it won't attract monsters. I also made one for camp Jupiter." He says beaming with pride.

"Thank you. This is perfect." I say.

"Here is the list of numbers. All these are made that the family or friend is save from monsters. Any number off the list is more risk on attracting unwanted guests." He says.

I nod and he starts to walk away.

"Hey Leo. Thank you." I say.
I wanted to tell him how glad I am that he is alive. But I can't.

He nods and walks away.

I turn my attention on the list. I search for the right number and dile it.

"This is not a great moment. Very busy." I hear her say.
I can hear her yell orders to her hunters.

I smile when I hear her voice.
I missed her too.

"Thalia. I need your help." I say.
She falls quiet.

"Who is this?" She asks very uncertain.

"You don't even recognize your favorite cousins voice? That hurts my feelings pinecone face." I say grinning.

"Percy?" She whispers.

"Yeah. It's me. Look, we are going to need your help back at camp." I say.

Thalia stays quiet for a couple seconds.
"Thats all you have to say?" She asks with an angry voice.

"Eh... No?"

"You just disappear for almost three years. I was worried sick. And then you just decide to call me teling me you are going to need my help! What the Hades kelp head!" She yells.

"Right.. Sorry. I am going to tell you everything. But we do need your help." I say.

"Sure. We'll be there in half an hour. We are near by." She says with a sigh.

"Awesome. By the way. Not everyone knows who I am. Long story which I will tell you when you are here. Can you meet me at the big house?" I ask.

"Yeah. But how come nobody knows you are Percy?" She asks.

"If anyone asks my name is Omega.
I am commander of the army of Chaos." I say.
She starts laughing.
"What is so funny?" I ask.

"You..You commander.." She laughs trying to breathe. "Of an army. Of Chaos."

"Are you done?" I ask.

"Yeah sure." She says still giggling. "See you in 30 minutes commander." She teased before she hangs up.

I don't think she believed me.

I close my eyes and focus. I call for Chaos.

"Percy. Glad to hear your voice. You had me worried for a while." Chaos says after a couple of seconds.

"Yeah. You know me. I don't do death." I say. "But I do need a couple soldiers from the army." I say.

"Why? Is there an attack?" He asks.

"No. Not yet. But I am going to need them. They are not ready for battle. We need to train them. I want to. But I have a lot to do." I explain.

"Okay.. So you don't need all of them?" He asks.

"No. Send me Lewis and Riley. That will be enough for training. But let the rest of the army know that they need to prepare for a war." I say. "Send them here in an hour."

"Very well." Chaos says. "Goodluck Percy."

"Thanks." I say.

I break the connection. I look at the phone.
One call left. I pick up the phone and look on the list.
She is on it and it looks like she has been called a lot.
I dile the number and take a shaky breath.

"Hello?" She says. My vision turns blurry from the tears.

"Mom.." I whipser. She doesn't respond for a couple of seconds.

"Percy?" She asks quietly.

"Mom. I am so sorry." I say. I feel like breaking down. "I am so sorry I left. I wanted to tell you. I-"

"Sweetheart. I knew." She says with a soothing voice.

That was not what I was expecting.
"What?" I ask confused.

"Chaos came to me. He explained everything and asked for my permission." She says.

"He did what?!" I say.

"He saw what was happening at camp. And he wanted to tell me what his plan was. At first I was against it. But if it was what you needed then how could I say no." She explains.

"So you knew where I was? You didn't say anything to the others?"

"No. Chaos told me that it was up to you."

"So you are not mad?" I ask.

"No sweetie. I am so happy you are back. I really want to see you. But you are not on a vacation are you?"

"No. Mom there is another war comming. And I need to help them. I promise that when this is all over I will come to see you and Paul." I say.

"That sounds great. I am so glad to hear your voice again." She says.

"I'm happy to hear you too mom." I say. "I have to go. Say hi to Paul for me. I love you."

"Will do. Love you too percy." She says.
We hang up. I take a breath.

I look at the time. Almost time to meet Thalia.
I decide to go and eat before the meeting.

I will talk to Annabeth after.
I walk outside and head for the mess hall.
Someone taps me on my shoulder.

"Annabeth." I say.

"Hi. Can we please talk?" She asks.

"Sure. But let me grab some food. Im hungry."


We walk towards the lake and sit down on the sand.
"So. Tell me what happened. Why you left." She says eagerly.

"Well. After I got back from visiting my mom. You broke up with me. And the others including Poseidon and the other campers ignored me. They told me to leave and stay gone. Chiron even told me to bother some fish. Like, what's up with that." I say.

Annabeth looks at me. She probably wants me to get to the point.

"So anyway. I started to feel depressed and didn't leave my cabin for 2 weeks. Nobody seemed to care. So I decided to leave." I pull down the mask over my mouth. And take a bite from my apple. "Then Chaos came and I became commander Omega." I pull it back up.

"I am so sorry. I can't believe that Matthew could do that to you.." Annabeth says with tears in her eyes.

"For me it has been 250 years. All that time I believed that you hated me. That I did something to you. But I could never have guessed it was him." I say looking at the lake.

"So.. Thats why you don't want us to know who you are?" She asks.

"Yeah. Besides, I needed to focus on the war. Speaking of. We have to go. I invited old friends." I say.


"You'll see." I stand up and offer her my hand.

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