6. Welcome back

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I opened a portal.

Which is one of the amazing powers I've gained as commander.

The others don't have it. Chaos told me it can only be given to the first in command.

We all step through and as always there is a weird feeling in my stomach. I am the last one to come through.

We stand in a line. My friends make room for me in the middle with Luke and Zoë next to me.

Slowely the olympians quiet down. Looking at us in confusion. They look tired and weak.

"Who are you?" Zeus asks.

"We are here to help. We have been sent by Chaos." I say. They look at us in disbelief.

I look at my father. He looks at me with the same sea green eyes as mine. He looks like he is trying to see through my hood and mask.

"Chaos?" Apollo asks. "We haven't seen him in 400 years."

"Indeed. Chaos has not shown himself for a long time. We have not heard from him since. How can we trust you speak the truth?" Athena asks.

"I saw him not long ago." Hades says checking his nails.

Zeus looks at him. "Why didn't you say anything about that?" He asks like it is the biggest form of betrayal.

Such a drama queen.

Hades shrugged and looked very tired. At least, more than usual.

"Chaos is too busy to involve with problems of earth. But the problem you are facing concerns him. So he sent us to help." I explain trying to keep my voice monotone.

"Hmm." Zeus says with his hand on his small neatly trimmed beard. "Why won't you reveil yourselves?"

"Because that is because we don't want to. Or at least. I Don't." I say.

'So you are okay with me showing myself to Lady Artemis?' Zoë asks trough the mind link.

'Of course. You can all make your own decision.' I tell my friends.

Zoë takes a step forward and faces Artemis. She kneels and takes of her hood and mask.
"Mi lady. I am glad to see you again." She says.

Gasps are comming from the gods.

Artemis looks at her with shock in her eyes. She stands up and turns into her 12 year old self.
"Zoë? Is that you?" She slowly approaches her like she is afraid to scare her away.

"Yes. It really is me. I was asked to serve in Chaos's army." She explained.

Then Artemis launches forward and hugs Zoë fiercely. Zoë snaps out of her shock and hugs back.
After a while they separate and Artemis keeps standing next to Zoë.

"Well that was heartwarming. But I am still not sure if we can trust you." Zeus says.

"I trust them." Artemis says confidently.

"But you don't know who she is with." Zeus exclaimed.

"I sense something weird about them. Exept the one in the middle." Hades says looking at us suspicionsly.

Bianca steps forward. She takes her hood and mask off.
"Bianca?" He asks.

"Hello father. It is good to see you again." She says. Bowing her head.

He rushes forward and hugs Bianca.
He whispers something in her ear and she smiles with tears in her eyes.

The gods are looking at them in confusion.
Hades rarely shows any sign of emotion or affection. But right now he is hugging his daughter not caring who sees.

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