21. It's time

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The next day everyone was on edge.

They were scared of the battle that was to come. But we were ready.

I have been training with Chaos.
I could cut off anyone trying to enter my mind.

My team have been training the others hard.
I told them to do a group training with only Chaos warriors. We need to stay sharp as a team too.

So before dinner we gather by the lake.
Everyone of my team is here;
Luke, Selina, Zoë, Bianca, Beckendorf, Riley and Lewis.

I stand before them.

"Positions!" I order. They get ready as do I.

"Angel. Attack!" I say.

Bianca comes at me. She grabs my shoulders but I quickly block her grip and twist her arm. And kick her in her stomach. Not hard. But enough.

Trust me. We are used to it. We always train like this.

She grunts and gets up. She comes at me again. But I grab her wrists and push her to the ground and pin her there.

"Good job. But you need to think about your approach. Don't give me the time to block or grab your arms. Be faster." I say helping her up. She nods.

I look at the others. It looks like we have some company. Campers come and look at our training.

I get ready again.
"Lewis. Attack!" I order.

He steps forwards. He kicks me in my side but I grab his leg. And I push him on the ground wile holding his leg. I wrap my own leg around it and lay down. I hold him pinned down on the ground.

"Be faster. Dont give me the chance to bring you of balance." I help him get up.

"Fox. Attack!" Selina steps forward.

She too grabs my arms but I block it by forcing her arms up. I grab her and turn her over my hip and on the ground. I hold her arm and I lay down again with an arm lock.

"Good job. Try to focus on where you put your feet. That way it will be harder to bring you off balance." I say helping her up.

"Forge. Atack!" I order. He walks over.

He holds his fists before him. I do the same.
He leans forward for a punch in my face.
But I sidestep and grab his arm. And I turn around and throw him over my sholder.

He struggles out and brings me off balance and now I am on the ground. I quickly get up and punch him in the stomach and he doubles over. I throw him on the ground again.

"Nice work! Try to protect your stomach against a smaller opponent." I help him up.

"Riley. Attack." She steps forwards.

She stands before me and holds her fist up. I mirror her movement.
She too wants to punch me in my face. I slip and parry the attack. She is quick and tries a cross attack. I redirected it just in time using her own force against her. I put my hand in her neck and lock her elbow.
I slowely force her to the ground.

"You are quick. Use that. Especially against bigger enemies." I say.

She stands up and walks over to the others.
"Saving the best for last?" Luke says smiling.

"Of course I did." I say rolling my eyes.

"Alpha. Attack!" I say.

He comes at me at full speed. I saw this comming. He is always rushing into battle.

At the last moment I squad and sweep my leg. He rolls on the ground but turns around and rushes back into the fight.
I lower myself and as soon as he is in reach I lift him up and throw him over my shoulder. I turn around and pin him on the ground.

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