19. The meeting

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Annabeth and I walked to the big house.
She was already there.

Thalia turns around and looks shocked.
She still has short black hair and piercing look in her eyes. Still Thalia.

"What!" She exclaims. "You weren't kidding when you said.."

"No I wasn't." I say smiling. 

"Does she.." she asks.

"Yeah I do." Annabeth says.

"Anyway. Glad you could make it." I say breaking the silence.

"Of course. So. With what did you needed our help for?" She asks.

"There will be a big battle and we are going to need the hunters. I will explain everything. But we are waiting for two more people." I say.

"Who?" Annabeth asks.

"Two of the best trainers in my army. They could teach some pretty good techniques in a very short time. They should arive any minute." I say.

"Omega." Luke says behind me comming out of the big house. He falls silent when he sees Thalia.

Thalia looks at him with big eyes.

"Thalia? Please don't hurt him. He is with me." I say. She looks at me with a lot of confusion.

"What? I.. He died. How?" She says.

"It didn't stick.." Luke says shruging.

"I could choose to offer some people in the underworld a position in my army. I picked Luke among some others." I say.

"So you are yourself again? No kronos in your mind?" She asks him. He shakes his head.

Tears well up in her eyes. She walks over and gives him a tight hug.

"What did you wanted to say?" I ask as they break the hug.

"Right. The others are waiting." He says.

"I know. Tell them we start in 5" I tell him.
He turns around and heads back inside.

After a minute a portal opens. Two people step outside. I smile and walk over to them.

Campers stopped with what they were doing and looked at the newcomers.

"Commander Omega." they say in union. They salute me.

"At ease. Welcome to camp half-blood. Please don't use my real name around here." I say.

They nod. And look around. Annabeth and Thalia stand next to me.

"Annabeth, Thalia. This is Riley." I say.
Riley is a very sweet girl. But if you piss her off she will destroy you. Her brown hair was in a tight ponytail. Her brown eyes were alert yet soft.

"And this is Lewis." I tell them.
Lewis is a guy that loves to play videogames. He has a dark tan and curly black hair. You wouldn't be intimidated by him when you see him. But once you put him on a battlefield with any kind of weapon, he will kill anything in his way.

"You are just in time. We are having a war meeting." I say.

We walk inside the house and into the room.

All the head counselors are there.
Including Reyna and Frank.

"Everyone. This is Riley and Lewis. They'll be in charge of the training for the campers." I tell them. Leaving no room for discussion.

Zoë and Bianca are reunited with Thalia. They hug and sit beside each other.

We all take a seat.

"You said you've come up with a plan?" Jason asks me. I nod.

"I did." I say. I stand up and spread out a map of camp. "It is actually a very simple plan." I say looking at the people in the room.

They wait for an explanation.
"That's it?" Clarise asks.

"Look. Nyx will attack soon. Because if she waits any longer we will get stronger. Her chances of winning the battle are getting smaller every day. That means she doesn't have enough time and strength to let Gaea, Tartaurus and the the titans and giants rise."

"So she'll have to choose." Reyna says. I nod.

"My bet is the giants. The gods are weak from fighting for Olympus. We need the gods if we want to kill a giant. That would be the smartest option." I say.

"It makes sense." Will says. "What about her army?"

"I think that Tartaurus lets mosters reform faster and let them out sooner. There have been very little attacks. So that means Nyx is gathering them for an attack on camp."

"It's true. The hunters and I were wondering what was happening." Thalia says.

"And it doesn't matter how powerful you are. You can't control an army of monsters for long." I say.

"Alright this makes a lot of sense. But what are we going to do? What is the plan?" Frank asks.

"We are about a thousand men strong. I guess that they will have more numbers. But monsters aren't that smart." I say. "So. We'll form ranks on the lines of camp. We make traps and use our powers. Aphrodite kids can charmspeak a group of monsters. Selina can help with that. Demeter kids can help with growing plants around the feet of the enemy. We have a lot of advantages." I explain.

"Okay.. So basicly just attack and use whatever we can. Without an actual plan?" Annabeth asks.

"Yes. All the other plans are too complicated. And as someone who has fought for over 250 years. Sometimes you just have to wing it." I say. "Besides. Like I said, we do have a plan... Attack."


After I explained the details to them and gave them orders. We went our separate ways.

I am giving Riley and Lewis a tour around camp.

"Okay. So this is where you are going to train them. Use whatever you want. Don't teach them the most difficult things. Just the stuff you think is useful." I tell them.

"I'll try not to make them cry." Riley says with a smile. I laugh.

"That would be nice." I say.

"We miss you bro. It is so different when you are not around." Lewis says.

"I hope I'll be back soon. I miss home."

"Do you think it's going to be a big battle?" Riley asks.

"I do. That's why I called you guys. They need good teachers." I say. "I'll let the campers know that training will start after lunch." I say.
They nod and I turn around.

Lewis and Riley head for the Chaos cabin.

I turn around to begin preparations.

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