26. This time

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"This can't be happening.." Bianca whispers.

My mind races.

What in the Hades are we supposed to do?
The gods are defeated by the giants.

They are too weak to fight.
As far as I can see they are barely concious.

The giants are laughing and having the time of their lives.

"Percy.. What are we gonna do?" Selina asks.

They are all looking at me.
I don't answer. I peak my head up again to get a better look.

I can see that my dad, Zeus and Hades are the ones in the middle. They look awake.
Weak, but awake.

So are Ares, Athena and Aphrodite.

"Okay. I have a plan. Sort of. I am going to distract them. You free the gods and get them out of there." I say.

They look at me like I am crazy.
Which I possibly am.

"So stay here. Wait for my sign. Then get the gods and go."
I run to the big doors before anyone can stop me.

I slow down and casually walk inside.

I stand in the opening of the door and wait for anyone to notice me.

I can see my father look at me with wide eyes.
He shakes his head slightly.
He wants me to turn around. But I won't

Zeus looks up and looks at me in disbelief.
"Jackson?" He whispers softly.

I ignore him and the giants look around.
Then they see me.

"Hi, how is it going?" I ask them with a grin.

They seem confused. Some of them remember me.
"You!" Polybotes roars.

"Yeah.. I was wondering if I could speak to your leader.." I say walking away from the door.

"That is me!" One yells.

"What are you talking about. I am obviously the stongest here." Another yells.

"But I am the smartest."
They all start yelling at each other.

"You're clear. Move!" I say to my team through the mind link.

I keep walking away from the door to the throne of Zeus.

"Alright. You are all big though giants. So let me just say something, without all of you killing me right away. When I am done you decide what to do. Deal?" I say acting bored.

They look at each other and nod.

I glare behind them. My friends are busy with trying to free the gods.

"Okay. So. As you may or may not know. I left camp 2,5 years ago when I became commander in Chaos's army." I say pacing to keep their attention on me.

They look at me with big eyes.

"I left because I was feeling neglected. You probably know how I felt." I say looking at them. "Feeling like you were being used. Then when it was over you were forgotten. Nobody cared about you." I tell them.

They nodd and some look sad. Others angry.

"Then you could imagine how I felt when I was told to go back. To help the people who betrayed me." I say.

"We do!" One yells.

"Of course you do!" I say convincing. "Deep down. You know that you are being used again. A pawn in a game that Nyx is playing with you." I say.

"No. She promised us the gods. Now whe have them." Polybotes says proudly.

"Yes you have them. But let me tell you this. We defeated Nyx during the battle in camp half-blood. She's gone crazy. Do you think she will allow you to have victory when she failed?" I ask them.

They look troubled.

"No?" Otis and Ephialtes say together.

I look at them. I remember them from when we saved Nico.

"No!" I say to clear their minds. "No! She will come back and send all of you back to Tartaurus. She will destroy the gods and claim victory for herself." I yell.

They start yelling amongst each other that they have been used and manipulated.

"But." I say waiting for it to calm down. "But. I can help you."

"How? You are a puny demigod." One giant I don't recognize says.

"Because. I came here to save the gods. But now I realize how weak they are." I say.

They look at me.
"I say. You should rule the world. Nyx is nothing compared to all of you!" I say loudly.

They start looking confident and proud.

"You are correct. We are stronger than the gods. Nyx is nothing compared to us." Orion says.

"I know I am. And all of you together! Nyx could only dream of becoming so powerful!" I say still walking around.

"But why shouldn't we pulverize you?" Polybotes asks.

"Because I want to be part of you. I know I am not a giant. But I am pretty useful." I say trying to sound confident.

"Hmm.. He does have an army.." Damasen says.

"I do. And they are made of the best soldiers." I tell them. "You know what. Discus it for a couple seconds. I'll wait."

After a couple of seconds they start to yell at other. Screaming what they think.

I look at my friends. They are making no progress. The chains won't come off.

Luke catches my eyes. He shakes his head.

"Get them out of here!" I say to them. "I'll try to make a portal." I tell them.

"But then you'll be all on your own!" Selina says.

"I'll figure something out. Go. I'll be with you in a second." I say to them.

I close my eyes and make a portal appear behind them.
Bianca starts guiding her dad, Demeter and Apollo through.
The rest follows guiding a couple gods with them. Some look back at me. Faces with worry.

My dad, Athena and Annabeth are last to leave. He has tears in his eyes.

Then Polybotes looks behind him and sees what is happening. He screams and the others turn around.

He screams again and storms at the portal.
But I rush to them as fast as I can.

I come to a stop in front of them.
I summon my sword and let out a scream.
I pierce my sword into the ground and a wave of force blows the giants away from the portal.

"Go!" I yell.

"I won't leave you here alone! I won't do it!" Annabeth yells with tears in her eyes. "Not again." She whispers.

I kiss her gently and pull back. "I'm sorry wise girl." I whisper.
I push her through and close the portal.

I look behind me.
All the giants are facing me. And here I am.

All alone again.

But this time I choose it.

The lost hero returnsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें