27. With a little help

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I summon my sword.
I am feeling weak. The blast of force took a lot of my power.

"You will pay for this!" Polybotes bellows.

I am too tired to comment. And that says something. I have absolutely no idea how to get out of this one. I have no god to help me. So I can't kill them.

I am too weak to make a portal and leave.
And I don't know how long I can last, fighting all of them on my own.

I see Otis and his twin Ephialtes running to me.
But Polybotes stops them.

"No! He is mine. He is a kid of Poseidon. And I want payback!" He says staring at me.

"We want payback too!" They say.

"I don't care. He is mine!" Polybotes bellows.

"Great.." I murmer. Now they are fighting on who wants to kill me more.

He grabs his trident. I can see his green reptilian legs, and the basilisks hanging from his face.
He has a green-blue breastplate shaped with faces of monsters.

He roars and storms forwards. I roll aside but my entire body hurts doing so. I slash with my sword. I cut him in his calf. He roars.

And turns around. I roll aside again and stab him in his foot. He screams. More out of anger than pain.

I look around. Desperate for something that can help me. At least give me a little advantage.

I spot the pool where betsie is hiding.
I need to be careful not to harm him or let the giants find out he is there.

I concentrate on the water. The water listened and a little bit of water leaks out of the little pool.

I run for it with an angry giant on my heels.
I slide and let my hand touch the little puddle of water. I will every drop to go on my body.

I can feel a little bit of strength comming back.

Polybotes throws his trident. I dodge just in time not to get stabed by it. But it scrapped my arm. I grunt and try to get back up.
Polybotes looks down at me.

He laughs and kicks me against the wall of the throneroom. I crash into the wall and fall down hard on the floor.

I think I blacked out for a couple seconds because Polybotes has me in his huge hand.

I shake my head and I look around.

He laughs while he crushes all the air out of my lungs.
I start to suffocate. I feel panick growing.

Then I get an idea. Desperate. But still.
I close my eyes and start praying to Chaos.

"Chaos. Please. I need your help. I need a god to defeat them. I am too weak to fight. Please lend me some strength. Please. I need to protect them. Please." I pray.

Polybotes laughs again.

"You are weak. You really thought you are a warrior. You are a child playing with a sword." He taunts.

But he brings me on another idea.
I put my hand in my pocket and feel my pen. I pull it out and uncap it.

I stab Polybotes in his hand and turn Riptide around.
He yells and let's me go. I land on the ground and almost collaps on inpact. But I get up.

I have to.

I close my eyes and focus on my breathing.

I need to do something. If I have to go down. I will do so fighting.

In my hand a sword appears. It is black and has silver details.

Energy starts flowing through my body.
Like little energy sparks.

Then it hits me.

This is the sword of Chaos.
It is giving me strength.

I smile.

"Thanks Chaos. I owe you." I say.

I look at the giants. They look at me in confusion of what just happened.

But I feel reborn and ready.
With this I can defeat them.

Everyone is quiet. But Polybotes laughs.

"I see you have a new toy. Goodluck with that." He says grinning.

"I think that is the sword of Chaos." Orion says looking at it. Do I hear fear in his voice?

I look at him. He is most human of all the giants. He was in the hunt with Artemis.

He is probably the smartest and knows what this means.
"It's beautiful isn't it." I say looking at the blade.

"But that means..." Otis says taking a step back.

"That I can actually defeat all of you? Yes it does." I say grinning.

"It doesn't matter. We are too powerful. You can't defeat us with a sword." Polybotes roars.

"Let's find out." I say.

He runs to me. I wait for him. Then I jump aside and land behind him.

I feel great.

He comes to a halt. But I jump high. I can reach his breastplate. I climb up.

I am hanging on his back. I grab the sword and stab Polybotes.
He roars but doesn't disappear or anything.

I climb higher and stab him again.
He roars and falls on his knees.

Below me I can hear the giants yelling.

Orion starts shooting arrows at me.
But instead they land into Polybotes he screams and Orion stops.

Polybotes tries to grab me. But he can't reach me. I wait for his hand to try it again. I get ready and when he tries again I bring down my sword.

I stab him right through his hand.
He screams. I pull the sword out and Polybotes falls on his knees.

"I will kill you!" He screams. But I just smile.

"Not today." I say before delivering the final blow.

I stab him in his chest and he is gone.
I look up at the other giants. They look outraged.

I grinn and run frowards to attack.

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