25. This is bad

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"No. You need to rest. You fought like a one man army." Beckendorf says.

"The gods." I say. "The giants are attacking the gods. That's why the weren't here. The monsters were just a distraction."

I hear gasps around me.
I hadn't realized how quiet the cheering had become. Everyone is watching. I need to stay focused.

"We need to go. You saw them... They are too weak for another battle." I keep pushing.

"But Percy-" Luke starts but I interrupt him before he can say anything else.

"No. Prepare for another battle. It will be harder than the monsters." I tell them. "We leave in ten."

I push Lukes hand that was still on my shoulder away. I walk off the battlefield and head for the lake. I need to regain some strength. At the beach I take off my shoes and shirt.

I step into the lake and walk until my knees are under the water. I let it heal me. I immediately feel some relief.
I close my eyes and take deep breaths.

"Percy.." Annabeth gasps behind me.

I turn around. I can see her looking at me with big eyes.
She steps into the lake. Doesn't seem like she cares sbout the cold water.

Her eyes are on my chest. She looks shocked.
She puts her hand before her mouth and her other hand reached out for me.

"Percy.." She says again with a sad tone in her voice.

She traces all my scars.
Her touch sends sparks of energy through my body. Like her touch gives me more energy than the water does.

Her fingers roam my chest. I let her.
Like she sensed my permission, she takes a step forwards. Comming closer to me.

I look into her beautiful grey eyes. Her face hasn't changed much. Her features are a little harder. Older.

But she is just as beautiful as I remember.

Her hands go up and she touches my jaw.
Her eyes look into mine.

Her eyes look at me like she is studying every little detail of my sea green eyes.

She looks at my lips.

She tiptoes and leans in. She closes her eyes.
I look at her. She seems to hesitate. I realize dam well that tis isn't the best timing. That the gods, our patents are up in Olympus with the giants.

But right now. I put my finger on her chin and lift her face up. And I stopped thinking for one second and let our lips meet in a gentle kiss.

I open my eyes and see her looking at me.
She gives me a little smile and leans in for another kiss.
I close my eyes again and deepen the kiss even more.

In all the time I never dated anyone.

I almost did. But every time it just didn't feel right. They weren't her.
So I just stopped dating.

I let all the pain I have felt ever since she broke up with me go. I forget all the times I cried because I missed her so much.
I remember all the things we did together.

I missed her so much.
I want her to know that.

I cup my hand around her face. And pull back a little to wisper her beautiful name.

She smiles and kissed me again.

After a couple seconds I pull away.
We breathe heavy and she looks at me like she doesn't want to go back to reality.

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