-Samuel Emerson- •No sleep for you•

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Your POV
I keep moving in bed. I can't help it. These cramps are so painful! This is the first time I'm on my period...I don't want to tell Sammy, that's so awkward! I didn't have any tampons or pads with me so I used toilet paper "Alright, what's up?" I suddenly hear someone ask "Nothing." I tell him. I feel his chest being pressed against my back "Tell me the truth, Y/N. What's wrong?" He asks "Nothing. Just go back to sleep." I tell him. He sighs and lies back down. That's when the pain started to get even worse. I swear I could almost scream in pain! Instead of screaming I start to cry. Then strong arms pulled me on top of his chest "So that's what's going on." He says. I look at him in confusion. He picks me up in bridal style and takes me to the bathroom when I looked at the bed I saw blood on the sheets. He sets me down on the toilet and kneels down in front of me "Why didn't you just tell me?" he asks "Because it's the first time this happened. It's really awkward, Sammy." I tell him. He chuckles and kisses my head "It's normal, Princess. It happens to every girl." he tells me "Still." I say. He wiped the tears off my cheeks "Are the cramps really that bad?" He asks sweetly. I nodded slowly "I'll be right back." He tells me.

Sammy came back with some pads and clean clothes "Why do you have these?" I ask him holding up one of the pads "When you and I got together Becket told me some things that could happen to the girl. The period was one of them. So I got some stuff from the store so I always have something you can use." He smiles. I smile back "Can you maybe give me some privacy?" I ask him "Of course. Don't forget to flush the toilet paper." he tells me and kisses my head before leaving. When I was finished I put Sammy's clothes on. I walk back to his room and see him sitting on his bed "I'm sorry about the sheets." I apologize "Don't be sorry, Princess." He says and puts his arms around my waist "It's quite alright actually. You look cute in my clothes by the way." He smiles. I giggle and rest my head against his chest "Do you want to try to sleep again?" He asks. I nod and climb on the bed. He lies me down on his chest and slowly rubs my belly and lower back. The cramps started to fade away slowly and I drifted into a peaceful sleep.

*Time Skip*

"Samuel! Why is there blood on your sheets?! And why is there blood in the bathroom?!" Samuel's father yells which causes me to wake up. I look up and see a really tired Samuel looking at his father "Sir, it was my fault. I'll fix it I promise." I tell his father "You better be your little slut!" He yells before walking away "No one calls my princess a slut." Sammy gets up "Where are you going?" I ask him "To my father! He will apologize to you! No one calls you a slut!" "Sammy, you look really tired. I don't think that's such a good idea." I tell him and pull him back onto the bed with me "Why do you look so tired?" I ask him "I couldn't risk you being in pain while you were sleeping." He tells me "So you were awake all night just for me?" I ask him. He nods and pulls me closer putting his face in the crook of my neck "Should we go back to sleep?" I ask him. He nods and lies both of us back down.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz