-Thomas Sangster- •She's mine•

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Your POV
Thomas and I are walking through the store looking for cute matching outfits. As we are walking I can feel someone looking at me. I always have that feeling but today it's worse. Like the person is standing right behind me "Tommy?" I say quietly "Yes Love?" He says "I feel like we're being watched." I tell him "Don't worry about it love. Probably just the paparazzi or something like that." He tells me "No, Tommy, I really don't feel comfortable." I tell him. He looks around and then back at me "I don't see anyone Love." He says "Tommy I want to leave." I tell him. He smiles and wraps his arms around me resting his chin on my head "Alright, you wait outside as I pay these." He says and kisses my head. I nod and walk out of the store and sit on a bench right in front of the store. But the feeling was still there

"Hello!" A man says and sits next to me on the bench "H-Hello." I stutter and look away again "What's a pretty thing like you doing here all by yourself?" He asks "I'm not by myself." I tell him trying to avoid this whole conversation "Ah the guy with the dirty blonde hair?" He asks. I look at him shocked "H-How do you k-know that?" I ask him "Because I saw you in the store." he laughs with a sweet smile "A-Alright." I stutter and look away. But he doesn't leave "So who is he?" He asks "Someone." I tell him "He kissed your head so he's either your boyfriend or..." "He's my boyfriend. And he should be here any second so could you please just leave me alone?" I ask him politely. He starts to chuckle "Oh Y/N, you're so helpless sometimes." He says and starts to play with my hair. I quickly get up "How do you know my name?" I ask him "I'll explain everything later, Sweetheart. Now sit back down." he says "No!" I say and start to back away. He gets up and grabs my hands pulling me closer to him "Such a beautiful young girl, oh all the things you have to learn and all the things I could do to you." He smirks "Let me go!" Then I felt strong hands rescue me out of the man's grip "What on earth do you think you're doing?!" Thomas yells. I grab his arm as the man stepped closer "You're the one that has been stalking her..." Thomas says "What?" I ask him "He has been stalking you. Someone texted me a while ago what I beautiful girl I had, called Y/N." He explains "Y-You knew?" I ask him "I did. Harrison was already working on it. I called him right after I received the text." He says mentioning our good friend but also detective Harrison. 

Then there were cops running towards us. Thomas wrapped his arms protectively around me "Why didn't you tell me?" I ask him "Because I wanted you to feel safe. I would do anything to guarantee your safety." he tells me "You're the best baby." I say and hug him "YOU SHOULD BE CALLING ME THAT!!" The man yells "She's mine freak! Don't even think about stalking her again when you get out of prison!" Thomas tells him and picks me up in bridal style "Let's get you home." He says and kisses my cheek

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Where stories live. Discover now