-Jake Murray- •Found her...scared and crying•

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Jake POV
I put my hands in my pockets. It's quiet tonight. Almost too quiet. Then my shoelace gets lose, I bend the knee and tie them together again. That's when I noticed something red on the ground. It was really dark but that clearly wasn't the grey color the rest of the streets are. It...it looks like blood. I was about to run away when I heard something soft and quiet "H-Help m-me..." It says. I turn around to see a girl crying and her hands and a part of her clothes were covered in blood "Oh my god, are you okay?" I ask as I rush towards her "I...I d-did t-this." She cried. I look behind her and see a dead body. I back away from her "Help me...please..." She begs. She was obviously scared "What happened?" I ask her "I-I had to...h-he held a g-gun against my head a-and he a-almost..." She cries even harder "Shh Shh, It's okay. Where do you live? I can take you home." I tell her "I don't have a home anymore...t-they shot everyone and s-set the h-house on f-fire." She cries "Please don't cry. Come on." I say and clean her hands "My mother won't mind if you stayed at my house. No one should be alone on the streets this late. Especially not with all those lunatics around." I tell her. Her eyes sparkled a little as I look at her "R-Really? Y-You want t-to take me with y-you?" She asks a little scared "No no no, don't be scared. I am not going to do something to you. I want to help you." I tell her "They always say that." She says and reaches for the gun "I can give you a new home, I promise! Please, you have to trust me." I tell her. She nods slowly, I nod and pick her up "Tomorrow we will buy you some new clothes." I tell her "What's your name?" I ask her "My name is Y/N. Yours?" She asks "Jake." I tell her. 

"Jake?" My mother asks "Before you say anything let me explain this. I found her in an alleyway. Alone, she shot someone in self-defense. She doesn't have a home, Mom please you have to help her. We have to help her." I tell her "I don't know about this Jake." She says "I don't want to be a problem." Y/N says "No, it's alright." My mom says "Take her upstairs Jake. She can stay." "Thanks, Mom." "Thank you." Y/N says. I bring her upstairs to my room and set her down on the bed "You can sleep in my bed, I'll sleep in the chair or on the couch." I tell her "No I don't want you to give up your bed for me." She protests "It's fine, Love. Do you want to take a shower? To wash all the dirt and blood away?" I ask her "Um..." she says still a little scared "Listen, you don't have to be afraid of me. I won't hurt you or touch you or something. I took you with me so you could be safe." I tell her. She nods "Where is the shower?" She asks "Follow me." I say and walk to the bathroom. She smiles as she looks around "I'll get you one of my shirts and maybe some old boxers that you can wear." I tell her. I come back with one of my shirts and one of my boxers that is too small for me "There you go, just scream if you need something." I tell her. She then kisses my cheek "Thank you." She says and hugs me. I hug her back "Your welcome. A girl should be safe and have a peaceful place she can sleep. Although it isn't always peaceful here, it's better than on the streets." I tell her "It's okay." She says "Alright, well, take your shower and come find me in my room when you're done." I tell her "Wait!" She says "I...I don't want to be alone. A new house and with people I don't know." She explains "Well...uh..." "I don't mind if you join me..." she says "So first you don't trust me and scared that I will...do that to you or hurt you and now you want me to join you for a shower?" I ask her "I trust you now." "What makes you think I won't do anything in the shower I ask her." I am not planning to do something to her or anything!! I swear!! "Because you don't want me to feel uncomfortable." She says "Please?" She asks "Alright." I say and take off my shirt.

A/N: This is the 100th part of this book!! YAY!!! 

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