-Jojen Reed- •Sister•

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A/N: Hey before we start, I wanted to tell you guys that I haven't watched GOT. I know it's bad but I once started, I never continued watching...I didn't really like it. That's why my friend subjectA6thefangirl helped me!! Thank you so much! And let's start with the imagine!

Your POV
I shot awake. My forehead covered in cold sweat "Y/N? Are you okay?" My brother Bran asks me "Y-yeah just a weird dream" I told him. When I looked around I noticed that Rickon and Hodor were gone. Bran noticed too "Where are Rickon and Hodor?" He asks Osha. She's standing with a spear pointed into the woods and next to Summer "Looking for food." She replies. Bran and I shrug "Y/N don't worry I had a...." But Osha stops him "I heard something." She says. I look at her confused "What's out there? Something dangerous?" I ask her "I don't know yet." She says before running off into the foggy forest. Leaving me and Bran. Then Summer starts growling and I can see a person coming closer. I can't see his face clearly but it's a boy around my age, that's for sure. Then Osha sneaks up behind him and pits her spear against his neck "Not another step unless you want to drown in your own blood" She says. He doesn't move "I'm unarmed." He says. Osha laughs a bit "That was poor thinking" She says. The boy still didn't move "My sister carries the weapons." He says. I jumped a little when a girl appeared behind Osha and put a knife against her throat. Osha still held the spear against the back of his neck "I'm better with them." His 'sister' says "Drop the spear" Osha doesn't listen to her. I look at Bran, he's in shock too. 'What is happening?' I ask myself "Drop it!" She says again. Osha gives in and drops the spear but says "You kill me wilful spits.". The boy walks towards Summer and stretches his hand towards a growling Summer "You must be Summer" The boy says. 'This is really weird! How can he know Summer?' I ask myself. Summer stops growling and sniffs the boy's hand before walking away. Then the boy looks at us, mostly Bran. "I'm Jojen Reed. This is my sister, Meera" He says looking back at Osha and then back at us "We have come a long way to find you, Brandon, and we have much farther to go" He says. Bran and I look at each other worried.

*Time Skip*
Jojen POV
I look at Brandon as we walk. He can't walk so we are walking a bit slower. I look behind me and see the old woman and the other girl talking with Meera. Then one of them runs away "Rickon, stay with us!!" The old woman yells. Then Brandon says "It's okay!" "The wolves will protect him." His sister says. Brandon nods at Summer and the wolf runs after the boy. I look at Brandon "Who's the girl?" I ask him "Oh..that's my sister. Her name is Y/N" He tells me. I look at her and back at him "She doesn't look like you" I say "She's still my sister" He says "Why do you ask?" "Just wondering why a pretty girl like her would be around you" I smirk. He glares at me "You keep your hands off my sister" He says "No promises" I tell him. I look back at his sister. We make eye comtact and she blushes. I look back at Brandon and smirk.

~Thomas Brodie Sangster Imagines~Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora