-Lampwick- •Too close•

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Your POV
"Where are you going?" My father asks "Up to my room." I say "What are you going to do there?" He asks "You've been up in your room quite a lot lately, do you keep something secret there from us?" "No! Dad, I am just really caught up with this book. It is so good and I really want to know how it ends and all." I tell him "Alright." He says and turns back to my mother at the table. I walk upstairs into my room. Once I closed the door my eyes get covered "What took you so long?" He asks "Dinner took me so long." I giggle "But I missed you, Kitten." He says turning me around and holding me tightly "Sorry, Lampwick." I say "Oh you don't need to apologize...but I do want you to make it up to me." He says "Oh and what is it I have to do to make it up to you?" I ask him "Kiss me." He says and puts his hands on my cheeks and when he was about to pull me closer, there were footsteps in the hallway. I quickly push him into my closet and grab a book from my shelve and open it. My father walks into my room "I brought you some tea." He says and gives me the cup of tea "Thanks Dad." I say. He kissed my head and walked out. Lampwick walks out of the closet "That was so close! Now where were we?" He says.

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