(8) Tension Doesn't Stop Kindness

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"Why are you being like this?" I nearly shouted once we were inside, kicking my shoes off and practically throwing my purse across the room. He rolled his eyes and dropped his keys on the counter angrily kicking off his shoes with force.

"Stop being so dramatic, I am just doing what I am supposed to be doing. Which is keeping you safe. What kind of body guard would I be if I let some guy you barely know drive off with you?" Now who was being dramatic?

"It's my life I will do whatever I want." I retorted throwing my hands up in the air. He shook off his hoodie and hung it on one of the hooks on the wall. He sighed turning toward me calming himself this time before he spoke to me.

"Not if it puts you in danger you won't. You don't seem to understand how this whole thing works." He motioned between us, trying to explain himself. I still didn't understand how this justified him acting like a complete asshole.

"So I'm not allowed to have a life?" He shook his head shrugging his large stupid shoulders. I grumbled angrily. Was I suppose to just stay locked up here in my room? He was the one telling me to get back out there.

"Guess not." He spat stuffing his hands in his pockets. I sighed loudly restraining myself from stomping my foot. "Stop acting like such a child. You should be thanking me, that kid obviously had ulterior motives and I stopped him. Who knows what could have happened if I would have allowed him to take you home?" I don't know what came over me, but I shoved him back roughly. He had no right to say what he was saying. He could not have possibly known that and Damien was a nice guy.

"Shut up!" I screamed at him. "You don't know anything! Damien is a nice person unlike you!" I pushed him again. "Stop acting like you own me! I don't need a babysitter I can take care of myself!" I went to shove him again but he grabbed my arms. I struggled against his grip but it was no use he was too strong.

"Stop!" He commanded making me quit trying to rip my arms away from him. I just glared up at him. "I don't want you to be angry with me, but if it comes between you being pissed or being safe I'd rather you be pissed off. I am just trying to make sure nothing happens to you, but it would be lot simpler if you weren't so stupid." I scowled. I wasn't in any kind of danger right now and I was not stupid just because I let a boy put his arm around me.

"Don't call me stupid." My voice was low. I tore away from his grasp and stormed to my room. I collapsed on my bed and screamed into my pillow. He made me so mad!

Why did I have to be here? I thought about how life was before and realized I shouldn't have. I started bawling and it took everything I had not to smash everything in sight, or punch a wall. I held onto my chest because it felt like there was a gaping hole that was sucking my energy out. A small knock on my door made a knot catch in my throat. "Just go, away." I said through my teeth. Rayner lingered momentarily before disappearing for good.

I don't remember falling asleep, but the next thing I knew I was sitting up screaming and Rayner was running into my room. He rushed to my side and hugged me which made everything ten times worse. Even though he was furious with me he still came to comfort me and I couldn't take it.

"Why are you here?" I cried and he squeezed me tighter. I didn't want him to comfort me, but I didn't have the strength or willpower to push him away anymore. I was too weak and sad.

"Because even though you're a little brat, I can't let you suffer alone." This made me cry harder. He pulled me closer to him and I breathed in his manly scent trying to calm down. "It will be okay." He promised though I didn't see how it could ever possibly be okay. "Please stop crying." I really wished I could. There was nothing I'd rather do than be happy again.

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