(28) A Name

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"Hey Tori?" I looked away from the mirror and moved the mascara from my eye. Rayner was leaning against the door frame like he usually did acting mysterious again. "After school they have someone that would like to speak with you. He flew in from LA and says it's urgent." My stomach dropped, how far were they from cracking this case?

"Who?" I asked slowly turning back to the mirror to distract myself from the conversation I wasn't ready to be having.

"Someone they say who knew your parents pretty well, Burns... or something like that." I immediately recognized the name.

"I've heard of him, isn't he a police officer?" Rayner nodded. "He used to help my parents, he was the one who escorted them places. I've never met him but do you think he has information about them? How is he relevant to this case?" Rayner shrugged and stared at me in the mirror.

"I mean it's possible he took them almost everywhere they went right? So he is bound to know something about the kinds of people they did business with." I wasn't sure how helpful he would be to the case but it was worth a shot and he probably did have some kind of idea as to who my parents dealt with.

"I guess you're right." I was nervous and unsure of why he wanted to speak with ME but I was going to do whatever it took to help my case. I wanted justice, revenge, and I would stop at nothing to help my parents get that.

Later I was back in the last place I wanted to be. A police station, but I knew I needed to be strong because it is so important.

"Tori." Officer Burns greeted shaking my hand a little too firmly. He set of a bad vibe in the pit of my stomach, although I had no reason to feel this way toward him. He'd always been loyal to my parents and if he was here to help I should be greatful to him.

"Thank you for coming." He nodded his head and we sat down across from eachother at the table in the center of the room. I was positive we were being monitored which made me feel a bit better about being alone with this complete stranger.

"I just knew I had to talk to you. I know some things that I shouldn't be keeping from the case. I'm so sorry for your loss Tori, it's so sad to see some of my favorite people go. Your parents were wonderful people, and I don't want you to think badly of them in anyway, but they were in sort of a rutt there at the end of their lives. They got themselves into trouble, they were being careless with money and with their partners and had quite a few enemies because of it." I listened tediously not wanting to miss a single thing he was saying.

"What do you mean by that?" I didn't want to believe my parents were anything but good, but obviously they had to of made some people angry enough to want to kill them.

"I'm saying that your parents basically screwed over a lot of people and they had a bounty over their heads. A man going by the name Dominic Ramirez, was promised a cut of your parents money if he murdered your parents and stole their fortune. Only as you know he only finished part of the job and in order for him to recieve his end of the deal and keep his life he needs the money which is why he is still after you." Officer Burns cleared up only some of my confusion.

"How do you know this?" He sighed staring at the table ashamedly.

"Because the man who wanted them dead offered me the job first. It was perfect he said. They trusted me and I was with them quite often. I'm not going to lie and tell you accepting his offer didn't cross my mind, but I could never betray them that way." This was all so much to take in.

"Why are you here? Why are you telling me this?" He took a deep breath and looked into my eyes making a shiver run down my spine.

"Because I want to help, I feel like I owe your parents some kind of justice. I want to be there for you in any way possible because I feel so badly about keeping this from them. I never thought in a million years someone would actually be able to get to them. I never thought someone would kill your parents." I felt tears threatening to spill.

"Yea, me neither." I kept my gaze on the wooden table and my hands clasped in front of me. "Do you know the name?" I asked lifelessly.

"What name?" I looked at him with hard eyes.

"The name of the filth that wanted my parents dead?!" I said loudly surprising myself with the hatred in my voice. He nodded.

"His name is Maverick Greenbrier." My entire body started to shake when he revealed his name. I felt a weight lift from my shoulders. I felt jittery in my stomach and my body was weak like I'd just run three miles. Finally there was a name and an answer to the biggest question we'd needed to know. We knew who did it and were one step closer to putting the monster behind bars.


I suck at all things Wattpad. lol

College and work are kicking my butt so I apologize to you all for sucking so badly. I am trying to be better and write a few chapters tonight so that you all don't hate me so much.

I really do love you all! Thank you for sticking with my story!


ps I am working on a certain scene for the future.. ;)

He's My Bodyguard (REWRITING)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin