(18) Wrong Pair

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If I were smart I would have told the truth a long time ago, if I were smart I wouldn't tell the truth now, but it is the only option I have. I had to come clean and stop lying to everyone, well for the most part.

"Who is this Tori?" My mouth suddenly felt more dry than the sahara desert. My palms were like water faucets, and I sincerely thought about running away at this exact moment, but that wasn't plausible because I wouldn't get very far. I had to put on my big girl pants and introduce them.

"This," I gestured to my flippy haired friend, "is Jackson." I didn't look up from the ground and found this creepy little bug crawling on the ground quite fascinating.

"Hi, Jackson..." Rayner nodded and walked past us to the car. I pulled Jackson aside. He had a stupid grin on his face. I smacked him in the arm.

"I just wanted to tell you goodbye." I looked toward the car and Rayner was giving me the worst look, I felt like a traitor.

"Bye." I went to walk to the car and Jackson spun me around quickly planting his lips on mine. I was so stunned I squealed.

"Bye Tori." He winked and walked away with his hands shoved in his pockets. My mouth was open and flopping like a fish. I turned around slowly half expecting Rayner to slap me across the face, but what I saw was almost worse. Rayner was leaning against the driver door staring into space.

"Rayn-" He cut me off.

"Let's go." He slammed his door closed after he plopped down. I could've cried, but I'd save my tears for later. The tension in the car was so thick I was finding myself practically gasping for air. Neither of us said a word until we were piling our bags on the conveyor belts. "Is he your boyfriend?" I didn't respond, because I wasn't sure if that's what he was or not. He laughed humorlessly. "Nice..."

"He's not my boyfriend Rayner." He shook his head smiling.

"You hesitated so he must mean something to you. I can't believe I let myself get this involved it was wrong of me." I frowned, I deserved that.

"I'm sorry Rayner, I really am." He nodded.

"I know. We just need to stay friends, if that. I am your bodyguard, and you are just the teenage girl I am looking after." I knew that's how it would be, but it hurt worse when he voiced it out loud.

"Okay." I nodded my lip wobbling. Don't cry, don't you cry Tori. My emotions really were a bitch.


A terrifying plane ride, and a taxi cab later we were sitting in our hotel room. Two large queen beds faced the opposite wall that was a deep brown. Both comforters were a cream color with large white pillows. A  42" television rested on a dresser across from the beds. The bathroom was extraordinary. A masonry shower with two heads, and a jacuzzi bathtub. I was in awe.

"Wow this place is nice." He shrugged and plopped down on the bed closest to the balcony leaving me the one beside the door. I always hated the bed by the door, what someone came in? As if reading my mind Rayner rolled his eyes and claimed the other bed allowing me the one beside the balcony. I layed on the farthest end of my bed and immediately crawled under my blankets I was tired.

"We have to be out of here by 7, we need to be at the station by 7:30." Eww early.

"Okay." I mumbled closing my eyes.


"Tori." I was shaken awake. Rayner was shirtless of course and half asleep. I sat up and noticed it was still dark. My cheeks were wet and the front of my shirt was slightly damp. I realized I'd had a nightmare.

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