(29) Midnight Phone Calls

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The next few days were hectic I wasn't sure how everything was going to play out. I wasn't sure how they were going to find this Maverick person in a city filled with millions of people if he was still there, and I wasn't sure how long Rayner and I would have left together. Everything was closing in on me and I was feeling awful, not to mention I was doing terribly in school. Concentration on my studies wasn't my top priority and just added to the growing depression I was attempting to supress.

Currently Rayner and I were intwined together for the first time after revealing the feelings we'd both been feeling. We had kept our distance and other than me helping him with his routine work out in the mornings, we had not had any other physical contact. It burned in my bones, and I ached for him. It wasn't the time though we knew it was still inappropriate for us to be fulfilling our own selfish needs. Reguardless of the guilt growing because I was enjoying the skin-to-skin contact way too much, I couldn't stop myself from wanting more.

"Rayner?" I spoke sofly against his chest. Our bodies were closely knit, legs twisted, his fingers curling into the hair just at the back of my neck.

"Hmm?" He mumbled allowing me to feel the vibrations due to our close proximity. I never wanted him to let me go. I wished I could stay safe here with him and not worry about the outside world or the troubles lurking in the back of my mind.

"How much longer do you think we will be together?" I almost whispered not really wanting him to reply in fear I wouldn't like his response. I couldn't imagine not being with him and it made me realization that I was basically alone in the world. Sure I had aunts and uncles and other family, but none that could fill the void of losing my parents quite like Rayner had. I felt his arms encircle my body tighter as if that would keep me there with him forever.

"I don't know." A sinking feeling made me sick to my stomach and I didn't want to imagine life without Rayner under the same roof. It's amazing how quickly I'd grown accustomed to this stranger beside me and our disfunctional 'family' if it could even be called that. "I do know one thing though Tor." His chest roared as he spoke in his usual smooth deep voice that was slightly groggy because we'd been laying here awhile. I too was feeling a bit sleepy.

"What?" I questioned sounding a lot smaller than I had intended. I hated sounding meek, but I wasn't okay with losing Rayner, ever.

"I'll always be around." He whispered making me smile and kiss his neck right above the collar of his t-shirt. He kissed the top of my head in return. "We live in the same city Tori and there isn't a single person that could keep you from me." He promised and I believed him soaking every word in.

And just like that I was perfectly content again, in Rayner's arms. I loved feeling important to him and his arms had me feeling like a treasure he never wanted to let go. Once I had the assurance that Rayner wasn't going to just dissappear once this was all over with I could relax a little more and allowed myself to sleep. It wasn't long before I was awake because of my cell phone. Didn't seem to phase Rayner though and it had me wondering just how much sleep he hadn't been getting lately. He was so out of it, he'd fallen hard. I answered my phone without looking at the screen and the second my ear was to the phone that demon voice sounded in my mind.

"How are you angel?" I gulped and a wave of emotions flooded my body in an uncomfortable way.

"Who the fuck is this?" I spat knowing it was the fucker that had given me the faint scar on the side of my face. I hated him, I hated him so much it frightened me.

"You'll be seeing me Tori." I shook when he spoke my name.

"What do you want?!" I cried into the phone and he didn't speak for a long time but when he did his chilling reply made me itch to take a shower.

"I want your blood all over me. I'm going to get what I want Tori, I always do." And the line went dead. I was petrified with the fear of him being near me again. I shook uncontrollably with my phone clutched in my hand so tight I thought it might break. Silent tears dripped from my eyes as I stared down at the blocked call in my history.

The bed beside me stirred and Rayner was suddenly upright and alert. He knew he'd missed something by my body language. I didn't look at him just kept my blank stare on my dimming cell phone.

"Tori?" He asked taking the phone from my vice like grasp. "Hey?" His worried tone snapped me from my reverie and I looked into his eyes.

"He found me." I whispered looking around the room suddenly as an intense fear that he was some how in there with us. I was convulsing so hard the entire bed shook.

"Who? What are you talking about? Tori?" Panic laced his voice but I could not speak as the impending terror washed over me. I snapped my head around the room paranoid and backed myself against the head board pulling the blanket up over my knees and to my chin as if it would protect me. Then an uncontrollable sob racked my body as I tried to make sure we were still alone in the dark room. Every shadow in ever corner now looked as if someone were standing there.

Rayner immediately snapped on the bedside lamp only slightly relieving the anguish I felt. He then had me in his lap whispering comforting things. I wasn't sure if I had actually spoken with the man of my nightmares, or if I had just dreamt it, but at this moment I tried to just focus on breathing. I was having a serious anxiety attack. Hyperventilating being the understatement of the century.

"Breathe Tor, just breathe." Rayner hushed smoothing my hair out of my slick face. "In, and out." I did just as he told me the only thing keeping me from going completely insane was the sound of his words. Once I could breathe again and my heart had finally slowed down to its original pace I relaxed against him. His warm touch burned against my cold damp skin. His rocked slowly back and forth as if I were a child he were putting to bed. "What is it?" He whispered against my shoulder and chills spread across my arms.

I picked my phone up where he'd placed it beside us on the bed and unlocked it revealing my call log that was still open. I pointed to the restricted number and tried to find my voice.

"He-" I started but stopped because my breath got caught in my throat. Rayner looked into my eyes concern in his expression. "It was him. He called me. He's going to kill me." I whispered and started crying all over again. Rayner's grasp on me tightened and he set me to the side and started pacing around the room throwing a fresh shirt on making me wonder when he'd stripped himself of the one he'd been wearing just before we'd fallen asleep. Then he was pulling on some shoes and left the room. I started to shake again.

"Where are you going?" I called just as he'd exited the room. I pulled the blanket back around me envolping myself in the small protection it offered me. I almost shreiked when he reentered the room suddenly with my clothes in his hands. He helped me pull the sweater over my head and pulled my sleep shorts off revealing my dark purple underwear, but this was no time to focus on the way his hands felt against my bare legs. He handed me a pair of black leggings and socks that I slipped on slowly due to the way my hands shook.

He sat me back down, laced up my boots and smoothed my hair down for me holding my face firmly in his hands."Tori listen to me." I stared up at him into his hard eyes. "No one is going to touch you. If I am with you, you are safe. Okay?" I nodded my head feeling a bit better. He kissed my forehead, grabbed my phone and then my hand pulling me along with him. Then he tucked his gun under his shirt grabbed his car keys and we were off to the police station once again.


OMG! I can't wait for the next chapter can you?! Get ready for some massive drama to throw down errybody.


I love writing...

I have high hopes for this story! (:

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