(2) Just Cry

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"Hey Tori." Rayner whispered shaking me awake gently making me stir in my seat. Confusion came over me as I leaned my chair back into the upright position. I had almost forgotten where I was, it all came rushing back. Rayner kept his voice quiet and I noticed there were other sleeping passengers just waking. "We are landing. Seat belt sign is on." I groaned, landing was always the absolute worst part of flying other than the taking off.  It always made me feel like I was going to throw up and my mother knew just the way to distract me. She'd go off on a wild tangent telling me some dramatic tale I knew to be completely untrue. My father would then accuse her of being delusional and they'd argue across me the entire landing and, although my father never caught on eventually I had. I grew to appreciate it very much, but there were no arguing couples or my parents here. I looked around at the silent aircraft wishing for so much as a crying baby but there was not one.

"Okay." I breathed trying to be brave, but again I was clawing at my seat until we were planted firmly on the ground. I let out of a sigh of relief and my legs slowly unclenched once I was more sure there was no more danger. Rayner was able to escort me off the plane in a rush and toward baggage claim. He pushed us through the crowd to get our luggage making sure no one so much as even grazed me this time.

He snatched my single bag and then his own carrying them to our arranged taxi. We rode silently to where we'd be staying. The drive was about half an hour from the airport which seemed quite a lot longer because I was feeling every bump in my rib cage. Rayner seemed to notice I was becoming uncomfortable but hadn't the slightest idea how to help so he said nothing instead offering me a comforting smile.

We arrived at a large building at last. The apartments looked nice from the outside with coal colored masonry and beautiful landscaping. This city looked really rustic and I was digging it or would be under different circumstances. At the moment I wasn't appreciating it for what it deserved mostly because I was still feeling quite numb. I wasn't over the shock of everything I'd endured.

Our bags were loaded onto a trolley that was taken to our living area. I looked around the lobby while Rayner got our keys from the front desk trying to absorb it all. It looked like a pretty standard lobby only thing setting it apart from other apartment buildings I'd been to was the plate of cookies in the center of the room on a table. Rayner motioned for me to follow snagging a cookie of the plate that I completely ignored walking robotically behind him. We took the elevator to the eleventh floor standing awkwardly looking around avoiding conversation because truly there was nothing we had in common. He led us to the door and into the new place after he unlocked the door. I was surprised by how nice it was.

It had come completely furnished and was furnished tastefully. Even my mother would have approved, thinking of her again had hurt but it was the only thing keeping me sane at the moment. I was glad I wouldn't hate it here, it wasn't home, but it would do while the rest was figured out. The living area was roomy and had a large brown leather sectional and a huge flat screen. The kitchen had wooden floors and black appliances that looked brand new. Everything was very modern with dark woods and gray walls which was quite opposite from my home that had been bright and warm but I liked it nonetheless. 

"You can choose which room you would like, I am not picky about living conditions." Rayner admitted pulling out his phone, "I have to call the Chief and let him know we are here." He stepped into the kitchen leaving me to explore alone. I was feeling slightly uncomfortable here because it was a new space after all. I examined both bedrooms and chose the smaller room, because I didn't want to be rude. Plus Rayner was the one taking care of me and I didn't need all the extra space anyway. I was fine with small, it was the complete opposite of my home and both rooms had their own bathroom anyway which made this whole thing seem redundant.

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