(5) He's My "Brother"

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Boy was I wrong about English not being that bad. The teacher had us reading a tragedy about a man who loses both of his parents to their arch enemy and seeks revenge. It took everything I had not to break down right there in the middle of class especially during my turn to read. That would have been hard to explain and really embarrassing.

I was the first person out of the classroom when the bell rang needing fresh air. I took a couple deep breaths before going into my calculus class. Math was better, no emotions, just logic. It took every thing I was thinking away and all I could focus on was my work. Maybe I could actually do this. School wasn't so bad once I'd stopped sulking and got back out there.

Halfway through the day I realized I could do this. I could learn to live with my loss. I couldn't let it control me anymore. I had to be stronger than that, I had to get right back up on that horse like my parents would have wanted me to.  I was deep in thought
not paying attention when I slammed into another person and our books both dropped to the floor making a huge mess.

"Gosh I'm so sorry!" I exclaimed bending down to pick up my stuff hurriedly so I wouldn't be late to my next class. I looked up to see I had run into a boy that seemed to be an athlete. He had his Letterman jacket on and his face looked rather annoyed that I had just thrown his things all around. He was a typical jock who probably thought he was better than everyone just because he was on a sports team.

"Yea, just watch where you're going." He grumbled angrily. The second he looked up his hard expression was wiped clean off his face. "I'm so sorry. I just haven't had the best day." He quickly attempted to cover for being such an ass once he realized I was slightly attractive. "Here let me help you." He offered and I just held my hand up in protest. No need in us scrambling our things together when I could manage getting everything myself.

"I've got it." I told him collecting the last of my things. He held out his hand to help me up once he had all of his belongings and I ignored the offer just helping myself to my feet. He pulled his hand back awkwardly and despite my coldness he followed me down the hall to my displeasure. I had clearly not acted as if I wanted him to be my friend especially after the way he'd treated me.

"You new?" He asked chasing after my quick strides. I nodded tucking a strand of my wavy hair behind my ear. "Need help getting to your next class?" I was already going to be late as it was, I didn't want to be wandering around the halls after the bell had already rung. It would just draw more attention to myself.

"Actually yes." He took my schedule from my hands and examined it with squinted eyes. I wonder if he wore glasses outside of school when he wasn't in his "cool" get-up. He scanned the paper quickly landing on the correct period making a disgusted face once he'd realized which class I had next.

"AP History? Eww." I chuckled that's usually how people reacted when they found out I was in advanced classes. I couldn't help who my parents were and I couldn't help that they had insisted I was in all gifted classes because it'd look better on my college application. Everything I did was about getting into college and my future to them. I didn't mind it, but sometimes it made my life a lot more difficult.

"Yea I'll show you the way." He motioned straight ahead and I followed him smoothing my skirt back down from its crinkled position. "So what's that?" He pointed to the dog tag dangling from my neck that I had forgotten to tuck inside my shirt. I was most likely breaking dress code with the accessory.

I looked down as he grabbed the tag and examined it while we walked at an awkward angle, a little closer than I was comfortable with. My heart fluttered when he grazed my stomach slightly as he released it. "That's pretty cool. Your boyfriend in the military or something?" I shook my head. Was that his way of finding out if I had a boyfriend or not? I swear girls were all guys ever thought about.

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