(23) We Need to Talk

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I know, I know this is WAAAAYYYY shorter than what you guys deserve! I promise I will be better than I have been about updating, just school has been occupying most of my time lately. I just finished my research paper, and after my senior presentation I will be all yours! :D

I love you! Keep the feedback coming I really enjoy reading all the comments makes me happy!





"God..." I grumbled and pulled my blankets over my head, it was way too early for the sun to be up. I rolled to my side clutching my sensitive cranium. There was a glass of water and three advil sitting on my side table. "Rayner you're my hero." I groaned popping all three pills in my mouth at once and washing them down. He also left a note saying he had to take care of some things down at the station so I was alone for the time being. For someone mean't to protect me, he sure leaves me a lot.

I poured some milk into my cereal and munched on its sugary goodness. I called Jackson putting my phone on speaker and sitting on the counter. He answered after the sixth ring sounding groggy. Still asleep? Amature.

"No." He groaned and I heard his blankets shuffling in the background.

"Wake up." I said with a mouthful of Fruity Pebbles.

"Jackson's not here, call back later when he's available." He mumbled monotonously. I rolled my eyes.

"You suck." I griped and hung up. "You win for now." I spoke aloud and finished my breakfast. I washed my bowl and when I found there was absolutely nothing to do I started wandering around the house curiously. I guess you could say I was snooping, but I mean come on what else was I suppose to do? I ended up in Rayner's room magically and started looking around. I had never really been in his room, and I wanted to know what was in there.

The first thing I noticed was a couple weights scattering the floor and a mat, I mean he obviously worked out I just hadn't realized he did it in his room. I drifted into his closet and skimmed his clothing. A variation of t-shirts, plaid button ups, a few muscle shirts, and cut-offs. An average male closet, but something caught my eye. A box on top of a shelf against the back wall of his closet. It was the box I'd told him to hide from me so I didn't have to look at memories. I still didn't think I was strong enough to go through that stuff so I stayed clear from it. A second box was on the floor and I opened it and laughed audibly at what I found. Piles of comic books littered the inside.

"Nerd..." I chuckled examining an issue of Spider-man. After reading the comic I placed it back with the rest of his stash and continued on my quest of boredom. I went through his cds and may have peeked in his drawers. Rayner may or may not wear boxer briefs, but that's none of my business. Once I'd thoroughly inspected his room I worked on cleaning mine up then moved to the rest of the house. I'd cleaned the whole apartment when Rayner came back from the station. I couldn't help but snicker after finding out about his comic collection.

"What are you laughing at?" He sneered. I shook my head. "You cleaned." He observed placing his keys down and kicking off his Supras.

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