(6) Don't Drink the Orange Juice

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My alarm went off for my fourth day of school so I hopped into the shower and dressed quickly. I did my hair and make up and grabbed something quick to eat. School was progressively getting better and I was actually kind of starting to like my small group of friends. The girls hadn't warmed up to me yet, but Trace was surprisingly really cool once you got passed all the flirty asshole. He was just a charmer, and seeing as I wasn't interested he'd given up. He'd turned into a great friend.

"You want me to make you something?" Rayner asked scratching his head sleepily as he entered the kitchen catching me completely off guard even though he did this every morning. He really should stop walking around the house shirtless if he wanted to keep this a professional setting. He was nearly perfect. I wanted to bake cookies on him.

"No I'm fine." I looked away quickly so he didn't notice my gawking and continued putting peanut butter on the toast I'd just made. He nodded watching me for a second then opened up the fridge digging around for something.

"I'm gonna go get dressed then we can head out." He said pulling out the orange juice and  took a swig straight from the carton then placed it back in the fridge. I cringed, that was the first time I had ever seen someone do that in real life, and I was surely not accustomed to it. My mom would of had a cow if anyone in her house had done that, I had seen my dad taste something he'd been cooking and stick the spoon back in and she nearly kicked him out. Okay she wasn't that mad, but she made a huge deal about it and I understood why.

"Note to self: don't drink the orange juice." I joked giving him a disapproving look. He laughed shrugging embarrassed. He poked my nose smiling widely.

"Sorry, I'm not used to living with someone." He looked down fully noticing his nakedness for the first time since we've lived together. "Which reminds me I need to remember to wear clothes." I shook my head amused. That he did, it would really make pretending to be his sister a whole heck of a lot easier.


"Get you at 2:30."  He promised like he did everyday, even though I already knew he'd be sitting there in the parking lot for me leaning against his car hood just like every other day. I took a deep breath before exiting the car, school was getting easier, but I still got nervous that I wasn't going to make it through the day. My heart was getting lighter, but certain things still triggered my anxiety.

"Bye." I waved and walked slowly into the building. The halls were basically still empty because Rayner insisted on getting me there thirty minutes early everyday. I put my things in my locker and went to the library to look around since I had time. I flipped through a couple books when a hand touched my shoulder scaring the absolute bejeezus out of me. "God." I breathed placing a hand on my chest.

I looked into the eyes of Damien, the boy Trace introduced me to on my first day. I had caught him staring at me a few times at the table and he winked at me in the hall. He was really cute, but he didn't really seem like my type. He just wasn't who I pictured when I thought of a boyfriend. He'd never been anything but nice to me, but I wasn't sure I was attracted to him like I thought he was me.

"Sorry." He chuckled and I wanted to smack the stupid grin off his face because scaring me was not funny. "Non-fiction?" He questioned stealing away the book I had in my hands. I actually liked to read, but my interests had changed since my parents died. Not that it was any of his business what I chose to read though.

"Yea, well I'm not really into fiction at the moment. All happy endings and what not, it's a crock of shit if you ask me." I responded letting him have the book. I started to walk away, but he pulled me back not allowing me to escape. His eyes twinkled in amusement, that playful smirk still tugging at his mouth.

"Sounds like you aren't a believer of happiness and love." He tilted his head to the side in disapproval. If this was his attempt at hitting on me he was doing quite poorly. He was cute, but I am not a sucker. I knew exactly what he was playing at.

"Guess not." I frowned taking the book back and placing it on a random shelf so he'd stop teasing me about how I had wanted to read about the migration patterns of Monarch Butterflies. I wanted the subject to drop and I hoped the book's disappearance would magically stop the conversation. I was unfortunately not that lucky, surprise surprise.

"Why not?" He asked following me down the isle I was trying to lose him in. My eyes stung as emotion pulled at my heart. I shook my head unable to speak. I wish I could have a stupid conversation for once without getting choked up. I didn't face him until I knew I didn't look like I was about to cry. Instead I pretended I was interested in another book.

"No reason." I finally answered after I'd composed myself glad my words came out strongly. I wasn't suppose to talk about my parents at all which was alright by me because I didn't want to talk about them anyway.

I decided escaping the library would be smart right about now so I wasn't forced to speak with him any longer. I walked quickly out to the hallway hoping I'd lost him. Unfortunately he caught up to me easily and matched my pace as I walked aimlessly down the hallway that had more students now.

"So what are you doing after school?" He wondered walking sideways so he could look at me with a large grin on his face. I shook my head smiling at him. He really wasn't giving up. I decided to humor him, just because like any girl I enjoyed a nice chase. Flirting was harmless, especially when I knew nothing would come of this.

"Homework." I smirked teasing him knowing good and well he was trying to ask me out. His face was still happy as ever despite the fact that I had basically turned down the offer he hadn't even made yet.

"And after that?" He continued still smiling, but I shrugged uncooperatively. He definitely wanted to ask me out. I however would play dumb.

"Busy." I decided smirking at him knowing full and well what he wanted me to say. He stood in place still smiling at me as I walked away from him and to my locker only looking back once making sure he knew the game I was playing. So never going to happen Damien.

Lunch rolled around and I sat with Trace and his friends again this time between him and one of the girls called Janice, she was the one girl that had been the most welcoming. The others still hardly would talk to me, but making girl friends was always more challenging in a school this big. Trace and the guys were cracking dirty jokes making Janice roll her eyes smiling at me.

"They are such guys." She spoke to me directly for the first time making me laugh an actual laugh. "I don't even know why I sit here."  She commented shaking her head glancing at the raunchy boys who continued on.

Trace stood between us and slung his arms around our shoulders making both of us jump. "It's because you can't resist my charm and affection." He whispered in her ear and she retracted cutely. He kissed her sloppily on the cheek and ruffled my hair before pulling his chair around to sit between us. "So Tor, my man Damien here has the hots for you and let's face it you have a thing for him. So let's cut to the chase and have a double date. You, him, Janice, me?" He asked hopefully. "Friday night. Mall, and movies?" I sighed. How was I suppose to say no? He didn't give me a choice.

"I'll have to ask my... brother... first. But only as friends!" A part of me wanted to get out, but I was really nervous. He nodded giving me a knowing look.

"Okay well here's my number if you wanna go and your bwover says yes." He said brother like a baby would which had me rolling my eyes. I nodded sighing and allowed him to put his number in my phone. "And this is Damien's number." He winked making me roll my eyes again.

"Alright." I agreed reluctantly glancing at Damien. He had a slight blush on his cheeks which made me giggle. I had never seen a boy blush before it was pretty adorable.


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