Chapter Nineteen

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Paul takes Mkay's hand in his and smiles warmly at her as he pulls her closer to dance with; the music is blasting from a nearby stereo, it's nothing like Bella and Edward's wedding, it's nothing fancy or there to catch eyes, this is for them, and that's all that matters; and they're not fancy, they're not after all the flowers and the lights. The beach, the setting sun, the soft jazz, the pack and the Cullens; this is it, this is all they need.

"Who would have known" he teases slightly. "A year ago you wouldn't have let me do this" he changes from teasing to soft, proud, his arm wrapping around her waist, his hand brushing over her dress softly.

"What can I say?" she asks him. "You've grown on me" she whispers warmly with a smile. He smiles back at her seeing the true affection in her eyes. Emmett makes a cheering sound across the sand catching their attention, Mkay's big brother has Seth pinned down in the sand, the two men slash boys laughing with one another, Paul smiles and chuckles a little, Mkay turns her eyes back to her husband, her eyes turning softer just watching him smile like that. He's right, a year ago this wouldn't have been her. She'd been so consumed by her pain that she almost missed out on this, on him. Mkay leans closer to him resting her head on his shoulder, his eyes instantly dropping to her, his free hand reaches up to brush her hair back behind her ear, his fingers moving along her jaw to her chin.

"I love you" he assures her, she smiles and nods into his shoulder.

"I know" she counters warmly. "I love you too" he picks her up, arms around her waist, letting her wraps her arms around his neck, he swings her slightly, it's all very cliché, but neither care. Emmett's booming laugh catches them again, taking their attention, Mkay smiles slightly.

"I'm surprised" she offers Paul who raises an eyebrow at her. "With you and him...with all of them" she nods towards her Emmett, Paul shrugs.

"You're my imprint" he explains. "And nothing else in the entire world matters any more" he ducks his head down to kiss her. "Only you" he whispers against her lips, she smiles and wraps her arms around his neck letting him stand up straight pulling her off her feet, she chuckles, his arms wrapped around her back holding her close to him. Edward and Bella walk towards them, hand in hand. Paul sets Mkay down and she turns to greet the other couple.

"Congratulations" Bella tells them both, as if she's been bursting to tell them, Paul wraps his arm around Mkay's waist. "Sorry, Edward just told me and.." Bella tries to explain.

"Thank you" Mkay assures the girl that it's not unwarranted or unwanted. "You didn't have to come"

"We wanted to" Edward promises her. "I wasn't going to miss my sister's wedding day; she made it to mine" he teases a little, Mkay looks down and nods wiggling her toes in the sand under her feet. "Wish we could stay longer but..."

"Yeah, your party going to waste up there" Paul teases slightly.

"We could stay" Edward offers Mkay, she shakes her head and looks up.

"No; you both go and enjoy your reception" she tells them. "Thank you, for coming"

"You look beautiful" Bella tells Mkay, she smiles and motions to Bella's dress.

"So do you. Congratulations" Edward and Mkay share a look, she nods to him softly and smiles; he knows that she's finally happy now, with Paul.

"We shouldn't keep our guests waiting" Edward takes Bella's hand and they walk away, Paul wraps his arms around Mkay and sets his chin on her shoulder.

"Wifey" he teases, she smiles warmly and turns to face him. "How do you feel?" he asks. "Freaking out?" she shakes her head.

"No, no....I actually feel calmer then I ever have" she admits wrapping her arms around his neck. "Like everything has settled into place" he hums a little pulling her closer. "Like I am home" she whispers warmly. He nudges her nose and then kisses her.

"You are home" he assures her gently, she holds him close to her.

"Yes, I am" she whispers warmly back at him, he smiles and lifts her up slightly, she chuckles and wraps her legs around him. To think that not all that long ago this would have been impossible to do with her, to think that the mere thought of her touching someone, a man, had her a quaking and terrified mess. Look at how far she has come. With him. Mkay strokes Paul's hair and then lowers her legs. "I'll be right back" she tells Paul before following after Edward and Bella. "Edward" she states, he turns to her. He looks to Bella.

"Can you give us a minute?" he asks, Bella nods and walks away. Mkay continues to approach Edward.

"I owe you more then a simple thank you" she starts, he smiles softly at her. "For something you told me not all that long ago"

"I remember" he assures her warmly.

"I am sorry I didn't believe you" she tells him.

"It's okay" he offers. "Look at where you are now" he points. "You're married and comfortable" she nods smiling, and it's still so strange for him to see, because he's hardly ever seen her smile and so freely, it's like this huge weight has been lifted from her entire being. That hurt is still there, always will be, but Paul's given her something else, something stronger. Safety. Because she feels safe, because she knows Paul will always protect her, she's no longer terrified all the time, on edge or paranoid. Because she knows she has Paul. Edward nods slightly at Mkay who thanks him more emotionally in her head, so he knows just how grateful she is to him; to all of them for sticking by her despite everything that was and is wrong with her.

"I'll let you get back" she whispers.

"Congratulations" Edward tells her again, she smiles in thanks. Edward turns to walk away. Mkay bites her lip slightly before deciding on something. She grabs his wrist and pulls him into an embrace, Edward's eyes widen slightly and he looks towards the rest of his family who have all stopped to watch. Edward smiles though. It's the first time he's hugged his sister and hug her he does, arms wrapped around her tightly.

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