Chapter Fourteen

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Paul leans against his truck waiting for Mkay to come to school, it's only been one full day since she walked away and he can't....even anything, he hasn't slept, he hasn't eaten, he can't do anything, he just needs them to be okay again. He takes a breath jiggling a little where he stands, nerves setting in, he keeps going from hopefully optimistic to downright the world is ending in flashes. He goes from her running into his arms and it being happily ever after to she never comes back and he curls up in his bed and dies. Jared pats his shoulder as he leans at Paul's side.

"She'll come back" Jared offers, Paul looks to him. "Relationships have their ups and downs.....this is a down, which means there is only one way to go..." Paul raises an eyebrow, Jared points slightly. "Up, to good, you'll be fine" Jared offers. "She's your imprint, it has to work out" Jared pats his shoulder again. "I'm going to grab my books...see you inside" Paul nods as Jared walks away. Paul gets comfy against the side of his truck. And then waits. Paul waits, and waits, and waits, and whilst the other leeches arrive, Mkay does not. His heart breaks just a little more. What's he supposed to do? He can't cross the treaty line, he can't go to her, he can't go and see her, he doesn't even have her phone number, like what is wrong with him? Why didn't he ask for that? He's such a moron some times.


"Bella" Paul jogs up to the human who frowns up at him, confused as to why Paul is approaching her. "I thought it better to approach you then the leeches" Bella nods a little. "I don't know if you know...."

"You upset Mkay" Bella points out. Paul pauses and then nods.

"Yeah, I upset M....listen can you talk to...your vampire and see if she's okay" Bella softens a little and nods.

"Of course I can" she tells him. "I'll come find you later" Paul nods and watches Bella walk away. Paul takes a breath and looks around. His skin feels like it's itching, everywhere, just buzzing away, constantly has him on edge, he just wants answers, he wants to know she's okay, he wants to hold her and tells her it'll be okay.


Later: Bella walks towards where Paul is sulking and pouting against his locker, his eyes shift around, still hoping Mkay is going to turn up. They spot Bella and he leans up. Bella offers him a small smile as she reaches him.

"Edward said she's fine, thinking....but fine. She just wanted some time alone to..." Bella stops and nods a little. "Be by herself. He's positive she'll come around"

"He is?" Paul asks quietly, more to himself. If her brother is sure Mkay will come around then she will, right? They know her better then him. Understand her better.

"She's an imprint, right?" Bella asks, Paul nods. "Doesn't that connection work both ways?" she asks, he frowns a little. "Jacob said that the imprintee feels that pull too, so surely that means Mkay can't stay mad at you" Paul smiles a little and nods.

"Thanks" he offers and then walks away. Edward appears at Bella's side and smiles wrapping an arm around her.

"Thank you" Edward tells her.

"From what you've told me of her, Mkay deserves to be if we have to play cupid to make it happen, then we do it" Bella offers softly. Edward kisses her head and smiles.


Paul sits on the grass outside of the school, he couldn't even sit through his classes because he is too wound tight. Patience isn't exactly his strongest trait, and now he has to wait for Mkay to work through this. He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes, trying to push everything away from him, just push it all out. It's not working. It's pain. All of it is pain.

"Paul" he snaps his eyes open to see Mkay across the parking lot. He stands up and heads towards her. His heart and frame feeling lighter then before.

"M" he whispers reaching her, she smiles softly. "I'm so sorry" he tells her, she nods.

"I know you are" she whispers and holds out her hand to him, he looks between it and her before threading his fingers with hers. "It's hard for me" she admits. "Men....they've played....a villain role in my life" she whispers leaning against his arm as they walk away from the school. "And I find it hard" he squeezes her hand a little. "It jut threw me a little....the stuff with Emmett" she stops and gives him a small smile as she turns to him. "I know it's your duty to defend your land" she assures him.

"I still shouldn't have reacted that way" Paul corrects. "None of the others did" he reaches for her slowly and touches her cheek, and risks stepping closer to her, she places her hand on his stomach to stop him. She's touching him, but it's on her terms. She curls her hand into his shirt and lifts her eyes to his. "Tell me how to make it up to you" he whispers softly, she shakes her head.

"You don't need to, this time, if it happens again....."

"It won't" he is quick to promise. She gently takes his face in her hands, leaning closer to kiss him, his hands find her waist and pull her closer to him.

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