Chapter Twelve

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Mkay still stares at Paul, her eyes wide, like a deer caught in headlight, she knows it happens, she knows he is a wolf, but seeing a phase, that's something different, it's terrifying and exhilarating at the same time. He doesn't move, just stands stock still breathing and watching her. Waiting for her to make the first move. Natural enemies stood in front of one another, but both filled with nothing but adoration, even if she's not ready to admit that quite yet, even to herself. But she will admit she feels safer now. And that's crazy. There is a giant vampire killing wolf stood in front of her and she feels nothing but safe. Perhaps because she is no longer in the presence of a man, but a wolf. She takes a step closer and he whines a little.

"It's okay" she whispers, probably more to herself then him. "It's okay" her voice trembles a little as she kneels in the dirt in front of him, her hand shaking as she raises them and reaches for him, his eyes follow them as she touches his face and his eyes soften considerably, he knows what this is taking for her, she threads her fingers through his fur and then presses her face to the side of his, he closes his eyes as she does hers, leaning into him she clutches to him. Neither feeling the intense difference in body temperature. Or smelling the scents that are supposed to disgust them. She buries her face in his fur and breaths him in. "I can do this" she whispers. He sits his back end down and lets his tongue lull out the side of his mouth resting his chin on her shoulder. She strokes his fur and then laughs at herself, she can't believe she is doing this. She pulls back and laughs harder, he watches her curiosity and amusement shining in his eyes. He's not sure she's functioning right now. But this laugh, is ridiculously insane and he loves it. She stops laughing and looks to him with a warm smile, a genuine smile, and none of her smiles looked like that before, this real. "I can do this" she tells him, he nods in agreement, he has every faith in her. She leans closer to him and presses her forehead to his, her hands clasping at his huge canine head.


Mkay sits by the lake again, waiting for Paul to phase back, she listens for him, and she knows instantly when it is his footsteps approaching her, but she feels no fear, she frowns a little, there is always fear, but now....there is nothing, she looks up at him as he steps out from behind the trees, she stares at him a little and then smiles a little before she stands and moves straight for him, Paul frowns a little as she does, her face nothing but pure determination, right now, he's unsure of her intentions, he's even more surprised when she throws her arms around his neck and kisses him. He's utterly surprised. She's never done this before. It's rough and unpractised but it's a real kiss, a real hungry kiss, a loving kiss. He kisses her back with as much vigour, his hands finding her waist, she doesn't flinch.

"What was that for?" he asks when she pulls back nervously touching her lips.

"I felt....happy" she admits. "Just then...seeing you, it was...happy" he raises an eyebrow. "It's hard to explain, but when I see people, when I see men, when they walk towards me, there is always fear, always.....right then, you walking towards me....there was no fear" he smiles at her. "I was happy and nothing" he reaches for her face and she lets him touch her, her skin not flinching under his touch, he laughs a little and she nods. "What are you doing to me?" she asks him around a smile. He strokes her cheek and smiles back at her.

"I'm tearing down your walls, M" he whispers his answers. "Must mean you like me" he teases, she smirks a little and he finds he loves that too.

"I can't promise you more" she reminds him. "This is one thing but......that" he nods a little.

"I'm not asking for....that" he assures her. "Just this" he pulls her closer, carefully wrapping his arm around her, she shudders but it's not with fear, it's with...acceptance. "This is more then...." he smiles "You are amazing, and not at all broken...." he assures her. "You've just had walls up for far too long you've forgotten your strength" she smiles and touches his chest. "Come on" he whispers softly taking her hand. "Let me walk you to the treaty line" she nods.


Paul and Mkay walk along the treaty line, hand in hand. He smiles and turns to her as they reach the half way point, one way the Cullen house, one way to the Reservation.

"Are you going to be okay?" Paul asks Mkay, she nods and smiles warmly at him.

"I am" she answers completely honestly. "For the first time in a long time I actually believe that" she admits, he brushes her hair back.

"I'm going to look after you" he promises her. "Protect you, no one will ever hurt you again"

"I know" she assures him. "I think...I think that's what did it" she starts. "When I saw you turn into a wolf....I finally felt safe and I knew...." he cups her cheeks and leans closer to kiss her, she holds onto his arms and kisses him back. He pulls back and strokes her cheek. "I don't think it'll work with everyone else" she admits sadly. "I already feel the panic setting back in, knowing I'm going home, where there are men....I can feel it creeping in"

"Sam and the Elders are going to talk about amending the treaty, for this, for us" he kisses her forehead. "But I promise you I will never be far away" he whispers against her skin. She nods and lets go of his hands. "I'll see you at school tomorrow" he tells her warmly and then walks away from her, towards the reservation, she smiles watching him before turning and heading towards the Cullen house.


Rosalie raises an eyebrow at Mkay as the younger vampire brushes her hair sat at her dresser, Rosalie has never seen her like this, there is a small, dreamy smile on Mkay's lips and she hasn't even noticed her 'sister's' arrival.

"Everything okay?" Rosalie asks, Mkay jumps a little and looks to her, she nods slightly. "Are you okay?" Rosalie checks. "Cause if you're not, if he's hurt you...."

"He hasn't" Mkay assures her sister. "He made me laugh" she admits. "I laughed, I laughed so hard I felt like I wanted to cry" Rosalie smiles softly at her. "I want to be better, for him, I want to fix myself"

"There's nothing wrong with you" Rosalie assures her. "You're'll get there, one day" Rosalie offers her a understanding look. "Like I did with Emmett. The right man will scare all the nightmares away"

"But you all hate the wolves" Mkay points out.

"Not if this one treasures you" Rosalie argues. "We' something out" she assures Mkay.

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